Results for school year calendar 2024-25 Canada

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2001 Budget Analysis:Department of Mental Health

However, the revised cost estimate does not provide updated cost information for the specific projects that are proposed or indicate how their overall cost has escalated about 25 percent in si x months.

2001 Budget Analysis:Employment Development Department

The statutory formula indicates that the worker contribution rate be 1 percent during calendar year 2001. Exercising his discretionary authority to reduce the rate by 0.1 percent, the Director announced a rate of 0.9 percent for calendar year 2001.

2001 Budget Analysis:Department of Social Services

The budget proposes $433 million from all funds ($97 million from the General Fund) and 4,344 personnel-years of staff for DSS state operations in 2001-02. Proposed General Fund sp ending represents a decrease of 2 percent compared with estimated General Fund spending in the current year.

2001 Budget Analysis:Supplemental Security Income

The January 2002 federal SSI COLA will be based on the change in the CPI-W from the third quarter (July to September) of calendar 2000 to the third quarter of calendar 2001. The Governor's budget estimates that the change in the CPI-W for this period will be 2.1 percent.

2001 Budget Analysis:Overview

This projection of strong growth follows a period of several years in which the overall size of the Medi-Cal caseload experienced relatively small changes from year to year. This p rojected trend reflects the estimated impact of a number of policy changes to the Medi-Cal program approved during the past two years.

2001 Budget Analysis:Child Welfare Services

According to the Department of Social Services (DSS ), the cost to expand the SDM contract in the budget year to the ten counties on the waiting list would be $1.3 million ($317,000 General Fund; $1 million federal funds).

2001 Budget Analysis:Implementation of Proposition 36

Development of additional regulations for the distribution of funding from the Substance Abuse Treatment Trust Fund to counties in 2001-02 and in subsequent years. As we noted earl ier, the formula established in the emergency regulations applies only to funding distributed in the current year.

2001 Budget Analysis:New Tobacco Settlement Fund

It was originally estimated th at California would receive about $25 billion over 25 years, with $12.5 billion going to the counties and $12.5 billion to the state. Since that time, however, the estimated amount the state and counties would receive has decreased due to a provision in the settlement agreement that reduces payments in accordance with a decline in tobacco sales.

2001 Budget Analysis:Child Health and Disability

Figure 1 Income Eligibility Criteria for CHDP, Medi-Cal, and Healthy Families Age Family Income (As Percent of Federal Poverty Level) CHDP At or below 200 percent Medi-Cal (Poverty Group) a At or below 200 percent 1-5 years of age At or below 133 percent 6-18 years of age At or below 100 percent Healthy Families Between 200 percent and 250 percent 1-5

2001 Budget Analysis:Managed Risk Medical

Providing health coverage for parents under the Governor's proposal would allow California to spend an additional $1.6 billion of the state's federal SCHIP allotment over the fiv e-year waiver period (state fiscal years 2001-02 through 2005-06).