Results for snohomish county lodging tax

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The California Class Size Reduction Act

A uniform tax rate of 1.25  percent is levied in all counties, and local governments are authorized to levy an optional additional tax not to exceed 1.5  percent. Currently, total sales tax rates range from 7.25  percent to 8.5  percent.

[PDF] The California Class Size Reduction Act

A uniform tax rate of 1.25 percent is levied in all counties, and local governments are authorized to levy an optional additional tax not to exceed 1.5 percent. Currently, total sales tax rates range from 7.25 percent to 8.5 percent.

People's Gaming Act

Also, revenues generated fro m gaming on reservations would be less than for comparable operations situated elsewhere because Indian tribes are exempt from certain taxes. For example, if casinos are run by an Indian tribe, any profits attributed to tribal business activities would not be subject to state income taxes.

[PDF] The People's Gaming Act

Also, revenues gener- ated from gaming on reservations would be less than for comparable operations situ- ated elsewhere because Indian tribes are exempt from certain taxes. For example, if casinos are run by an Indian tribe, any profits attributed to tribal business activities would not be subject to state income taxes.

Investment of Tobacco Settlement Funds for Health

If state tax revenues, as estimated by the Legislative Analyst's Office, are forecasted to be lower in the budget year than in the current year, the Governor may propose and the Le gislature, by two-thirds vote in each house, may allocate tobacco settlement funds in the budget year for any state government purpose.

[PDF] Investment of Tobacco Settlement Funds for Health (Version A)

The local share will be further split among counties and specified cities. Under the terms of the MOU, the state’s 58 counties will receive 90 percent of the local share. These monies will be distributed to the counties based on population.

Investment of Tobacco Settlement Funds for Health

The local share will be further split among counties and specified cities. Under the terms of the MOU, the state's 58 counties will receive 90  percent of the local share. These monies will be distributed to the counties based on population.

[PDF] Investment of Tobacco Settlement Funds for Health (Version B)

The local share will be further split among counties and specified cities. Under the terms of the MOU, the state’s 58 counties will receive 90 percent of the local share. These monies will be distributed to the counties based on population.

Let the Voters Decide--Part A, State Officer's Pay

In summary, this measure would result in reduced compensation costs for state officials of several million dollars annually, and unknown, but probably not significant, elections-r elated costs to the state and counties.

[PDF] Let the Voters Decide—Part A, State Officer’s Pay

In summary, this measure would result in reduced compensation costs for state officials of several million dollars annually, and unknown, but probably not significant, elections-related costs to the state and counties.