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LAO 2005 Budget Analysis: Accessing Federal Funds For Prenatal Services

In September 2002, the Bush administration issued a regulation that permits states to utilize funding available to t he state under the federal State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) to provide coverage to unborn children (and their mothers) in low-income families.

2011 Initiative Analysis:The Savings, Accountability and Full Enforcement for California Act

The measure also states that it could be used by these agencies for other projects and activities related to this measure. Under the terms of the measure, $10  million would be transferred in 2012-13 from the state General Fund, the main state fund used for the support of various types of state programs, to the SAFE California Fund.

[PDF] Immigration. (Amendment #1)

Impact on State and Local Law Enforcement and Corrections. The provisions of this measure would likely increase workload for state and local law enforcement and corrections. First, the measure could result in increased state prison and county jail workload.

[PDF] California State Pharmacy Assistance Program (CAL Rx)

A significant share of these costs would probably be borne by the state General Fund. A largely one-time state cost, potentially in the low tens of millions of dollars, to cover the funding gap between the time when drug rebates are collected by the state and when the state pays funds to pharmacies for drug discounts provided to consumers.

[PDF] Proposes vote on California becoming an independent country.

Background California Inseparable Part of United States. In 1850, Congress and President Fillmore approved the act admitting California into the United States of America. Section 1 of Article III of the State Constitution provides that California “is an inseparable part of the United States of America.”

[PDF] The cultivation, use, possession, and sale of marijuana. Amendment #1

These priorities include ensuring that marijuana is not distributed to minors or diverted from states that have legalized marijuana to other states. Proposal This measure changes state law to legalize the possession, cultivation, and sale of marijuana.

August 1999 California Update GARVEE

They are repaid by federal funds that the state anticipates receiving as reimbursement for other transportation projects. Once the state receives the reimbursement, the federal funds are considered "state funds."

2013 Initiative Analysis: The Control, Regulate and Tax Marijuana Act

The measure could also result in an increase in taxable economic activity in the state, as businesses and individuals producing and selling marijuana would pay personal income and corporation taxes. Moreover, the measure would increase economic activity in the state to the extent that out-of-state consumers redirected spending into the state.

[PDF] The cultivation, use, possession, and sale of marijuana (Amendment No 1).

These priorities include ensuring that marijuana is not distributed to minors or diverted from states that have legalized marijuana to other states. Proposal This measure changes state law to legalize the possession, cultivation, and sale of marijuana.

[PDF] 1987-88 Budget Analysis: Index

~loprhental Disabilities, 496 State Finance, Commission on, 1360 State Fire Marshal, Office of the, 123 State Hospitals, 664 State Lands Commission, 383 State Library, 1051 State-Mandated Local Programs, 1371 State Mandates Claims Fund, 1372 State Mandates,