Results for 서울시 tax

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The State of California, through its general tax sources, has already assisted in the solution of this local area problem to the extent of $50,000. 3. Since it has been indicated that other legislation will be introduced proposing support for a rapid transit plan in the Bay Area, and that a progress report will be made to the 1953 Legislature, -we believe that this item should

[PDF] 1953 Budget Analysis: Department of Employment

Between January 1, 1936, the effective date of the California Unem- ployment Insurance Act for purposes of pay roll tax collections, and January 20, 1945, revenue from interest, penalties and fines were de- posited in the Unemployment Trust Fund along with the tax on which the interest and penalties accrued. - California was one of the first states to segregate

[PDF] 1954 Budget Analysis: INDEX

Nelles School ,for Boys ____________________________ -' _________ ~____ 137 Free Textbooks (Education) ___________________________________ ~ _____ ---- 576 Fresno State College ______________________________ ~____________________ 191 'Agriculture Division _____________________________ ~ ___ ~ ________________ ,_ 192 Capital Outlay _______________________________________________________ 544 Fricot

[PDF] 1955 Budget Analysis: Alcoholic Beverage Control

Distribution of Field Staff Under Board of Equalization For administrative purposes the Board of Equalization had divided the StRte into 14 districts, each headed by a district liquor control administrator, the districts being the same as those established by the board for purposes of tax administration.

[PDF] 1955 Budget Analysis: Capital Outlay

We be- lieve that the State should provide for this proposed capital outlay from current revenues, both by, reducing the support budget and by increasing the tax structure as required for this purpose.

[PDF] 1955 Budget Analysis: Local Assistance

.~ This, of' course, is merely a shifting of the burden from one tax shoulder to another. The real savings to the taxpayer can be calculated at the rate of $1,068 for every ward cared for at the county level who would otherwise be cared for in a Youth Authority facility.

[PDF] 1956 Budget Analysis: Transmittal

A reasonable prospect that if expenditures are held to the amounts budgeted, with no substantial special session appropriations, it will be possible to balance the budget in the following year by the use of reserves and without new taxes.

[PDF] 1956 Budget Analysis: Military

One function corollary to registering motor vehicles is collection of the'" in lieu" tax on motor vehicles; this tax is ap- portioned to the cities and counties for highway purposes. The Motor Vehicle Fund finances the major portion of the depart- ment'8 activities.

[PDF] 1959 Budget Analysis: Mental Hygiene

(Other states in their reimbursement programs may require supportive data such as payroll vouchers or income tax forms to verify income.) 8. The rating agent loses contact with a case within a short time after it is rated and other agents may,. without notice, change or defer a rate.

[PDF] 1960 Budget Analysis: Transmittal Letter

Bonds issued to VI GENERAL FUND REVENUES (Millions) Sales and use tax ___________________________ _ Personal income tax _________________________ _ Bank and corporation taxes __________________ _ Cigarette tax ______________________________ _ Insurance tax ______________________________ _ Inheritance and gift tax _____________________ _ ..