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2009 Initiative Analysis: California Jobs Initiative (version 2)

Potential foregone state revenues from the auctioning of emission allowances by state government, by suspending the future implementation of cap-and-trade regulations.

2009 Initiative Analysis: California Jobs Initiative

Potential foregone state revenues from the auctioning of emission allowances by state government, by suspending the future implementation of cap-and-trade regulations.

2009 Initiative Analysis: California Jobs Initiative (version 1)

Potential foregone state revenues from the auctioning of emission allowances by state government, by suspending the future implementation of cap-and-trade regulations.

[PDF] Microsoft Word - bond-debt.docx

The two main types of bonds used by the state are general obligation bonds and revenue bonds. One difference between general obligation bonds and revenue bonds is how they are repaid. The state repays general obligation bonds using the state General Fund (the state's main operating account, which it uses to pay for education, prisons, health care, and other services).

[PDF] Financial Aid: Major Budget Trends

The state provides the first round of these scholarships in 2014-15. ; State Recently Prioritizes Full-Time Attendance. During the past few years, the state has taken action to incentivize community college students to attend full time.

[PDF] Cal Facts 2006: State-Local Finances

The state basically prorated these revenues among local agencies except that it gave a smaller share to schools and backfilled the schools' losses with state aid.  1994—Facing fiscal pressure in the early 1990s, the state modified the distribution of property taxes to give a greater share to schools (thereby reducing state

[PDF] The Higher Education, Schools, Public Safety and Health Care Preservation Act (Amdt. #1S)

The State Constitution gives the power to appropriate (that is, authorize the spending of state funds) to the Legislature. The Legislature determines each year how much state tax funding to appropriate to the California State University (CSU), the University of California (UC), and California community college districts.

[PDF] Overview of State Highway and Road Programs and Funding

State Revenues for Highways and Roads 2015-16 Gasoline Excise Taxes Diesel Excise Tax Weight Fees $5.6 Billion 3L E G I S L A T I V E A N A L Y S T ’ S O F F I C E July 6, 2015 LAO 70 YEARS OF SERVICE  State Base Excise Tax Revenue  The state collects a base excise tax of 18 cents per gallon of gasoline.

California's Tax Expenditure Programs: Other State Tax Programs

California's Tax Expenditure Programs: Other State Tax Programs Legislative Analyst's Office, February 1999 California's Tax Expenditure Programs Other State Tax Programs--Overview The remaining state tax expenditure programs (TEPs), detailed in the following section, involve state excise taxes (alcoholic beverage taxes, cigarette and tobacco taxes, and vario us fuel taxes) and the insurance tax.

LAO 2005 Budget Analysis: In-Home Supportive Services

The sharing ratio for nonfederally funded administrative costs is 70  percent state and 30  percent county. Background on State Participation in Wage Increases. Prior to 2000-01, the state participated in wages only up to the minimum wage.