Results for school year calendar 2024-25 Canada

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2002-03 Budget Analysis: General Government, Public Employees' Retirement System (1900)

Each year’s savings would be realized in future years as well.   Benefits Likely to Outweigh Estimated Costs, But Costs Could Escalate. As shown in Figure  2, PERS estimates that premium savings for the first three years of system operation would total $48  million.

2002-03 Budget Analysis: General Government, Department of Corporations (2180)

The budget proposes $10  million and 25 one-year limited-term positions to implement the Statewide Outreach on Predatory Practices (STOPP) program, which would target investment and lending fraud. Accordi ng to the department, the purpose of the program is to make consumers aware of (1) DOC's responsibilities, (2) the extent of fraud and abuse in the investment and lending industrie s, and (3) where to get information and submit complaints.

2002-03 Budget Analysis: General Government, Housing and Community Development (2240)

The funds were intended to increase housing production by making payments based on the level and type of housing permits issued in a jurisdiction during calendar year 2001. The payments were scheduled to be made in the spring of 2002.

2002-03 Budget Analysis: General Government, Energy Resources Conservation and Development Commission (3360)

This proposed funding is a reduction from the current-year estimated expenditure level of $21.3  million, due to the Governor's proposed reduction in siting contract funds in the budget year and one-time expenditures in the current year for a survey of coastal power plants.

2002-03 Budget Analysis: General Government, California Consumer Power and Conservation Financing Authority (8665)

To date, $4.5 million has been allocated to the CPA for current-year expenditures. The budget proposes to allocate the remaining balance, $5.5 million, in the budget year. Plan for Repayment Needed .

2002-03 Budget Analysis: General Government, Department of Veterans Affairs and Veterans' Homes of California (8955-8966)

On January 25, 2002, we received the reports due in August and December 2001. The February 2002 report follows the publication of the Analysis . Accordingly, this section provides our findings on this subject as specified in the supplemental report.

2002-03 Budget Analysis: General Government, Health and Dental Benefits For Annuitants (9650)

Budget-Year Costs Not Completely Determined Yet We withhold recommendation on the $554  million General Fund request for annuitant benefits pending final determination of health insurance premium rates for calendar year 2003.

2002-03 Budget Analysis: General Government, Augmentation for Employee Compensation (9800)

Chapter  366, Statutes of 2001 (AB 933, Migden), appropriated $69.5  million ($45.5  million General Fund) for the current-year costs of the nine agreements the Legislature has approved. In addition, the Governor's budget includes a current-year adjustment (to be appropriated through separate legislation) of $64.3  million ($41.8  million General Fund) for the 12 bargaining units that do not have approved MOUs at the time this analysis was prepared.

2002-03 Budget Analysis: General Government, Department of Information Technology (0505)

Extend DOIT for Two Years. We recommend that DOIT be reauthorized for two years. We further recommend that the Legislature direct BSA to conduct an audit evaluating DOIT's performance and the extent to which DOIT has met its mandated responsibilities by December 2003 to provide the Legislature with the information it will need when considering DOIT's 2004 reauthorization.

2002-03 Budget Analysis: General Government, Office of the Inspector General For Veterans Affairs (0553)

The FISMA also requires state agencies to report to the Department of Finance on the adequacy of their internal control reviews every odd-numbered calendar year. According to a rec ent report by the Bureau of State Audits (BSA), DVA had not filed such reports since 1995.