Results for snohomish county lodging tax

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[PDF] Use of state gasoline sales tax revenues for transportation purposes

Bill Lockyer 2 May 10, 2001 these gasoline sales tax revenues will thereafter remain in the General Fund and will be available for various transportation and nontransportation purposes. Fiscal Effect The measure would transfer on a permanent basis beginning 2006-07, state gasoline sales tax revenues that are deposited in the General Fund to transportation-related purposes.

municipal utilities

This measure amends the State Constitution to explicitly give counties, cities, public districts, municipal corporations, and irrigation districts specific powers relating to the a cquisition, development, distribution, and sale of natural gas for public or private use.

[PDF] Local Governments and Natural Gas

Bill Lockyer 2 May 11, 2001 This measure amends the State Constitution to explicitly give counties, cities, public districts, municipal corporations, and irrigation districts specific powers relating to the acquisition, development, distribution, and sale of natural gas for public or private use.

2001 Initiative Analysis: California Evans Child Protection Act

The alcohol beverage tax is estimated to raise $290  million in 2001-02. In addition, the sales tax is levied on the sale of alcoholic beverages. The excise tax is included in the tax base on which the sales tax is calculated.

2001 Initiative Analysis: Labeling of Genetically Engineered Foods

To the extent these costs are incurred by retail and other food businesses, they will reduce their taxable business profits and thus state income tax revenues. Likewise, to the ext ent that these various costs are borne by consumers through higher product prices, this may reduce sales volumes and business profits, and thus income tax revenues.

[PDF] Labeling of foods that contain or were produced with genetically engineered materials

To the extent these costs are incurred by retail and other food businesses, they will reduce their taxable business profits and thus state income tax revenues. Likewise, to the extent that these various costs are borne by consumers through higher product prices, this may reduce sales volumes and business profits, and thus income tax reve- nues.

[PDF] People's Gaming Act

After 28 years, the Legislature could either allow these 13 sites to continue the gambling activ- ities or extend Las Vegas- and Atlantic City-type gambling to all cities, counties, and Hon. Bill Lockyer 2 October 2, 2001 Indian reservations in California or eliminate the authority to conduct this type of gam- bling in California.

2001 Initiative Analysis: California Clemency Board

Each county would have at least one board of five citizens randomly selected from the pool of registered voters. This board would be responsible for reviewing and taking action on clemency requests from prisoners whose committing offense occurred in that county.

[PDF] California Clemency Board

Proposal This measure would repeal the Governor’s authority to grant clemency and instead transfer clemency authority to the California Clemency Board, which would consist of county clemency boards. Each county would have at least one board of five citizens randomly selected from the pool of registered voters.

[PDF] Establishment of a state grand jury system

Proposal This initiative would amend the Constitution of the State of California to establish an independent state grand jury system to investigate specified matters, including issues that cross county lines, and all cases involving the misconduct of law enforcement officials.