Results for 서울시 tax

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[PDF] 1960 Budget Analysis: Industrial Relations

Cost of Living Budget 0.8 Associate research technician (budget page 350, line 47) __ $5,796 0.8 Assistant research technician (budget page 350, line 48) __ $4,770 0.8 Senior account clerk (bttdget page 350, . line 49) __________ $3,222 0.8 Intermediate aCC01tnt clerk (budget page 350, line 50) ____ $2,700 0.8 Intermediate typist-clerk (bttdget page 350, line 51) ______ $2,700 The division is

[PDF] 1960 Budget Analysis: Index

.:. 380 Fish and Game, Department oL _______________________________________ 337, 604 Kelp Bed Investigations _______________________________________________ 348 Game Management in Co-operation with Federal GovernmenL _____________ 346 Fisheries Management in Co-operation with Federal GovernmenL __________ 347 Pacific Marine Fisheries Commission ____________________________________ 348 Marine

[PDF] 1961 Budget Analysis: Transmittal

General Fund revenues, by principal source, are shown in the fol- lowing table: VIII General Fund Revenues (Millions) Sales and use tax __________________________ _ Personal income tax ________________________ _ Bank and corporation taxes _________________ _ Insurance tax ______________________________ _ Cigarette

[PDF] 1961 Budget Analysis: Miscellaneous

For 771 Miscellaneous Item 276 Refund of Taxes, Licenses and Other Fees-Continued example, fees erroneously paid for retail sales tax permits are not in- cluded as they are refunded by the State Board of Equalization out of the' 'feeder" retail sales tax fund.

[PDF] 1961 Budget Analysis: Continuing Appropriation

The law requires a district to meet from local resources trans- portation costs equal to the amount that a 2-cent tax rate on 90 percent of the assessed valuation would yield. Of any costs between the 2-cent and 8-cent tax rate bracket, the State pays half, and supports costs in excess of the 8-cent tax rate up to limits based upon vehicle operating expenses.

[PDF] 1962 Budget Analysis: Transmittal

General Fund Revenues (Millions) Sales and Use Tax _____________________ _ Personal Income Tax __________________ _ Bank and 'Corporation Tax _____________ _ Inheritance and Gift Tax _______________ _ Insurance Tax __ . ______________________ _ Cigarette Tax _________________________ _ Alcoholic

[PDF] 1962 Budget Analysis: Fiscal

Gift tax compliance program. During the current budget year the inheritance and gift tax division embarked upon a pilot study of checking local property transfer records, where no compensation was indicated, to determine if such transfers were reported on gift tax returns.

[PDF] 1962 Budget Analysis: Local Assistance

While it is more than likely that a request for financial assistance would be made by a county with a limited tax base and limited financial resources this is not necessarily true in all instances. Homicide trials can become a very costly and serious financial burden in the larger and more wealthy counties. ~ ...

[PDF] 1963 Budget Analysis: Public Works

We also recommended during the 1962 session that the division make use of this $15,000 since it represented part of an allocation from the Motor Vehicle Fuel Tax Fund based on unrefunded gasoline taxes for gasoline used by airplanes.

[PDF] 1963 Budget Analysis: Parks and Recreation

The second approach would be to use these data to determine the perllentage of total gasoline taxes collected by the State derived from gasoline sold for boating purposes and to apply this percentage to any future year'is gasoline tax collections as representing the total amount of such taxes paid upon gasoline consumed in boating activities in