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2014 Initiative Analysis: California Brain Research and Tobacco Tax Act of 2014 (Amendment #1-S)

This measure requires the transfer of some revenues raised by the new tax to “backfill,” or offset, any revenue losses that occur to existing state cigarette and tobacco taxes as a direct result of the imposition of the new tax.

2014 Initiative Analysis: California Brain Research and Tobacco Tax Act of 2014

This measure requires the transfer of some revenues raised by the new tax to “backfill,” or offset, any revenue losses that occur to existing state cigarette and tobacco taxes as a direct result of the imposition of the new tax.

2014 Initiative Analysis: The California Cannabis Hemp Initiative of 2014

Currently, many cities and counties restrict the locations where medical marijuana dispensaries can operate, and some local jurisdictions have prohibited the establishment of dispensaries altogether.

2014 Initiative Analysis: The Online Privacy Act

The measure allows such individuals, the California Attorney General, any district or city attorney, or county counsel to bring civil action against operators of any online service that violates the restrictions established by this measure.

Major Features of California's 2010-11 Budget

Loans, Transfers, and Funding Shifts $2.7 Billion of Loans, Transfers, and Fund Shifts. The budget plan includes $2.7 billion of loans, loan repayment extensions, transfers, and fund shifts from special funds, which generally are fee–supported funds that pay for specified state functions.

The 2010-11 Budget: Automated Speed Enforcement Merits Authorization

Instead, 85 percent of the revenue ($338 million in 2010–11) would be transferred to the state and then deposited in the Trial Court Trust Fund, which is used to support the operations of trial courts.

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act: An Overview of Its Potential Impact on State Health Programs

If the state meets federal requirements for the establishment of this program, the federal government would transfer to the state 95 percent of the funds that would otherwise have been available to the individuals eligible for the Basic Health Plan as premium and cost–sharing subsidies to purchase coverage through the exchange.

The 2010-11 Budget: How the Special Session Actions Would Affect Health Programs

The state hospitals provide inpatient treatment services for mentally disabled county clients, judicially and civilly committed clients—including sexually violent predators (SVPs), mentally disordered offenders (MDOs), and persons found not guilty by reason of insanity (NGIs), incompetent to stand trial (ISTs), and mentally disabled clients transferred from the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation.

Maximizing Federal Funds for HIV/AIDS: Improving Surveillance and Reporting

Currently, however, laboratories are only allowed to submit HIV reports by what state law calls traceable mail, such as registered mail, or person–to–person transfer, such as hand delivery. They are not allowed to send reports indicating an HIV diagnosis to LHJs electronically.

Liquid Assets: Improving Management of the State's Groundwater Resources

In general, these local ordinances operate to limit groundwater transfers out of the local area, for example, by pumping groundwater and moving it through canals or rivers to another area. Also, local rules may limit the ability to transfer surface water to another area because this in turn could increase the use of groundwater to the detriment of other groundwater users.