Results for 서울시 tax

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[PDF] 1963 Budget Analysis: Salary

The cost of salary adjustments of the magnitude recommended, in this budg'et, even though less than the amounts recommended by the 'Personnel Board, will constitute increased costs'not only for the budget year,bu't will increase the level of operations in the following fiscal year 790 Items 277-282 Provisions for Salary Increase Fund Provisions for Salary Increase Fund-Continued and hasten the time at which new taxes will have to be considered to finance state government. 3.

[PDF] 1963 Budget Analysis: Local Assistance

Local tax rates range from· a high of 44.1 cents per ,$100 assessed valuation to a low Of 5 cents per $100i the average being approximately 20 cimts 'per $100. If improvement in local library: services·is desired by localities, it appears that additional taxing c.ap'ac-; ity exists within nearly all of these local jurisdictions .. ' .

[PDF] 1964 Budget Analysis: Miscellaneous

For example, fees erroneottsly paid for retail sales tax permits are not in- cluded as .they are refunded by the State Board of Equalization out of the "feeder" Retail Sales Tax Fund. On the other hand, fees paid to, the Corporation Commissioner are deposited directly into the General Fund and the item is mainly used to allow this and comparable agen- cies to certify refunds directly to the Controller for payment out of the special appropriation.


The international balance of payments,' inventory trends, cor- porate profits, the increased social security taxes which began January 1, and medicare benefits beginning July 1, as well as proposals for new taxes are only a few of these.

[PDF] 1966 Budget Analysis: Industrial Relations

The support of the program for the budget year is estimated at $19,664,000 of which $2,646,000 is paid to the state in premium tax, this proposed expenditure compares with the actual total expenditures in 1964-65 of $17,120,301 of which $2,110,883 were premium tax pay- ments to the state.

[PDF] 1966 Budget Analysis: LOCAL ASSISTANCE

This compares to the present requirement or a tax rate equiva- lent to 95 percent of the revenues raised by a $0.15 tax rate or a $2.25 expenditure per capita. W ebelieve that these criteria should be in- ---~-.----- ---- .. _--- Estimated Expenditures from 1963-64 Establishment and per Capita Grants by Type of SYstem and Project Indirect sen,ice projects Direct

[PDF] 1967 Budget Analysis: General Administration

The bonds are not obligations of the State of California and the taxing power of the state is not pledged for their payment." Before the first bond issue was sold, the New State Fair Executive Committee was aware of the uncertain nature of the General Fund's prospective obligation to meet operating deficits of the new fair, but nothing was done to clarify this situation.

[PDF] 1967 Budget Analysis: Fiscal Affairs

A large portion 514 Item 116 Franchise Tax State Lands Division-Continued of the workload of the 11 engineers assigned to the Mineral Resources Section in Los Angeles involves staff preparation of calendar items that are to be submitted before the commission in a document that typically runs to 60 or 70 pages of text and exhibits.

[PDF] 1967 Budget Analysis: Regulation Licensing

It studies rating and rat- ing practices, determines retaliatory taxes, audits tax returns, collects premium payments and retaliatory and surplus line brokers' taxes. The department is administered by the Insurance Commissioner who is appointed by the Governor with the consent of the Senate for a term of four years.

[PDF] 1967 Budget Analysis: Miscellaneous

This figure is subject to a wide margin of error depending upon what level of expenditures and types of new taxes are finally approved by the Legislature. Any substantial reduc- tion in expenditures, of course, will reduce borrowing needs.