Results for snohomish county lodging tax

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[PDF] Election Day Voter Registration

The proposed initiative establishes an annual state allocation of $6 million to counties for these purposes, so the initiative will result in no net costs to counties. Summary of Fiscal Effects This measure would result in about $6 million in state costs and no net costs to counties.

[PDF] Local Revenue Accountability Act (Option 1), Amendment No. 1-NS

For example, over the last two decades the state has shifted the allocation of property taxes and vehicle license fees among local governments, reduced taxation on certain sales transactions and vehicle ownership, and transferred part of the financial obligation for trial courts and welfare programs from counties to the state.

2001 Initiative Analysis: Local Revenue Accountability Act (Option 2)

Specifically, the state would be required to provide reimbursement to scho ols, cities, counties, and special districts if the Legislature enacted a law or any state agency passed a regulation that: Reduced the amount of resources a local government received from local revenues (taxes, assessments, or fees).

[PDF] Local Revenue Accountability Act (Option 2), Amendment No. 2-S

For example, over the last two decades the state has shifted the allocation of property taxes and vehicle Hon. Bill Lockyer 3 December 21, 2001 license fees among local governments, reduced taxation on certain sales transactions and vehicle ownership, and transferred part of the financial obligation for trial courts and welfare programs from counties to the state.

2001 Initiative Analysis: Heritage Tree Preservation Act

To the extent that timber harvesting is reduced, there would be state a nd local revenue losses due to reduced revenue from (1) taxes imposed on timber harvest yields and (2) sales of timber on state-owned forests.

[PDF] Heritage Tree Preservation Act, Amendment No. 1-S

To the extent that timber harvesting is reduced, there would be state and local revenue losses due to reduced revenue from (1) taxes imposed on timber harvest yields and (2) sales of timber on state-owned forests.

[PDF] The Three Strikes Act of 2002

County Jails and Probation. Some offenders released from prison because of this measure will be subsequently prosecuted and convicted for new crimes. Before their criminal cases are resolved in the courts, these offenders will likely spend time in county jails.

2001 Initiative Analysis: Local Revenue Accountability Act (Option 2)

Specifically, the state would be required to provide reimbursement to scho ols, cities, counties, and special districts if the Legislature enacted a law or any state agency passed a regulation that: Reduced the amount of resources a local government received from local revenues (taxes, assessments, or fees).

2001 Initiative Analysis: Fairness for Injured Workers Amendment

Second, there would likely be a reduction in the mid-to-high tens of millions of dollars in income taxes. This effect will depend on such factors as the extent to which businesses subject to either higher premiums or increased claims costs would otherwise owe income taxes, and the degree to which these higher costs would be deductible expenses for California income tax purposes.

2001 Initiative Analysis: Fair Tax Act

Replacement With New Taxes. The measure establishes that a VAT and an ad valorem tax on fuel may be levied locally but only by cities and counties. The various restrictions regarding the VAT base are identic al to those governing the state.