Results for snohomish county lodging tax

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[PDF] The Ratepayer Revolt Initiative

This would likely reduce the level of state bank and corporation tax revenues. Based on the CPUC’s estimates of losses incurred by PG&E and SCE during the rate freeze period, these state tax revenue reductions could total up to hundreds of millions of dollars, likely spread over several years.

2002 Initiative Analysis: Jarvis-Simon Homeowners and Renters Tax Relief Act

The FTB is prohibited from delaying any audit in order to increase tax liabilities. Taxpayers may file a petition with any court in the taxpayer’s county of residence in order to ascertain the propriety of any FTB action with respect to the taxpayer.

[PDF] "The People's Gaming Act"

This measure could significantly increase local tax revenues (such as property and sales taxes) for Adelanto and surrounding communities as a result of gaming-related increases in economic activity. The level of increase is unknown but could potentially total more than $1 million annually.

2003 Initiative Analysis: Budget Accountability Act

This measure, by reducing the voting requirement from two-thirds to 55  percent, may help to ease the passage of a budget or budget-related bills, including measures which increase taxes. To the extent that this reduced voting requirement resulted in the passage of tax increases which would not have been passed under the two-thirds vote requirement, this measure

[PDF] "Budget Accountability Act"

This measure, by reducing the voting requirement from two-thirds to 55 percent, may help to ease the passage of a budget or budget- related bills, including measures which increase taxes. To the extent that this reduced voting requirement resulted in the passage of tax increases which would not have been passed under the two-thirds vote requirement, this measure

2003 Initiative Analysis: Parental Approval of Specified Sexual Instruction.

Provisions of the Initiative The measure amends the Constitution in the following manner: Voting Requirements for Tax Increases. The measure affirms that any change in taxes enacted for the purpose of increasing revenues from an existing tax or a newly established tax requires a vote of two-thirds of the Le gislature.

[PDF] Voting requirements for increasing state revenues through taxes or fees

Provisions of the Initiative The measure amends the Constitution in the following manner: Voting Requirements for Tax Increases. The measure requires that any change in taxes enacted for the purpose of increasing revenues from an existing tax or a newly established tax be approved by a vote of two-thirds plus one of the Legislature.

[PDF] Voting requirements for increasing state revenues through taxes or fees

Provisions of the Initiative The measure amends the Constitution in the following manner: Voting Requirements for Tax Increases. The measure requires that any change in taxes enacted for the purpose of increasing revenues from an existing tax or a newly established tax be approved by a vote of two-thirds plus one of the Legislature.

[PDF] Voting requirements for increasing state revenues through taxes or fees, and to various budget-related matters

Provisions of the Initiative The measure amends the Constitution in the following manner with respect to taxes and fees: Voting Requirements for Tax Increases. The measure affirms that any change in taxes enacted for the purpose of increasing revenues from an existing tax or a newly established tax requires a vote of two-thirds of the Legislature.

2003 Initiative Analysis: Budget Accountability Act

Similarly, the lower vote requirement would make it easier in some years to approve temporary tax increases related to the budget. In su ch cases, the measure would result in higher tax revenues ( and state spending ) than otherwise would have occurred.