Results for 서울시 tax

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[PDF] Office of Appropriate Technology, 63 Political Reform Act, 1714

Office of Appropriate Technology, 63 Political Reform Act, 1714 POST (Peace Officer Standards and Training), 1610 Postsecondary Education Commission, California, 1382 Price Increases, Augmentations for, 1806 Prisons (See: Department of Corrections), 288 Prison Terms, Board of, 1236 Professional Boards (See: Department of Consumer Affairs), 157 Professional Engineers, Board of Registration for,

[PDF] The 1982-83 Budget: Perspectives and Issues

ERTA also liberalizes the rules for tax-free retirement savings accounts and provides for tax-exempt "all savers" certificates. The plight of the tax-exempt market, if not resolved, could result in very negative consequ~ncesfor state and local governments.

[PDF] The 1983-84 Budget: Perspectives and Issues

Tax Expenditures-Options D. Current Service Level for the Legislature .............. 116 Expenditure B. Allocation of Tidelands Oil Requirements ......... 11 and Gas Revenues................ 121 II. ALTERNATIVES FOR C.

[PDF] The 1983-84 Budget: Perspectives and Issues

Increase Rates on Existing Taxes The simplest administrative method for raising additional revenue is to increase the rates on existing taxes. A rate increase applied to any of the state's three major taxes-sales and use tax, personal income tax, and the tax on banks and corporations-would, of course, generate the largest amounts of new revenue.

[PDF] 1984-85 Budget Analysis: Tax Relief

The state provides senior citizens' property tax assistance only for taxes paid on the first $34,000 of property value, after taking into account the $7,000 homeowners' property tax ex- emption. Assistance provided in 1984-85 will be based on taxes paid in 1983-84.

[PDF] 1984-85 Budget Analysis: Index

Political Reform Act, 2072 POST (Peace Officer Standards and Training), 1977 2208 / INDEX Postsecondary Education Commission, California, 11117 Prisons (See: Department of Corrections) Prison Terms, Board of, 1394 Professional Boards (See: Department of Consumer Affairs) Professional Engineers, Board of Registration for, 184 Property Tax Relief, 2123 Homeowners' Property

[PDF] 1985-86 Budget Analysis: Index

Teale Data Center, 378 STRS,1193 Structural Pest Control Board, 137 Student Aid Commission, 1422 Subsequent Injuries, Workers' Compensation Benefits for, 1520 Substandard Housing Tax Relief, 1628 Superfund, 735· Superior Court, Salaries for Judges, Block Grants for Judges, 25 Supreme Court, 8 Tahoe Conservancy, California, 385 Tahoe Regional Planning Agency, 383 Tax Board,.

[PDF] The 1985-86 Budget: Perspectives and Issues

Federal tax reform potentially could have a significant impact on the market for tax-exempt debt. In particular, if federal tax rates are reduced, tax-exempt bonds would become less attractive, especially for individuals who currently are in high tax brackets.

[PDF] 1987-88 Budget Analysis: Tax Relief

This estimate assumes, in effect, that expenditures will rise in direct proportion to the projected growth in the number of claim- 45-75444 1400 / TAX RELIEF Item 9100 HOMEOWNERS' PROPERTY TAX RELIEF-Continued ants-1.5 percent.

[PDF] The 1987-88 Budget: Perspectives and Issues

This is because the state can obtain funds fromextern:u sources at tax-exempt interest rates, while internal sources must be paid interestat rates compa- rable to the yield on. taxable securities in which the funds normally are invested.