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Smaller Classes, Safer Schools and Financial Accountability Act

State Funding Programs. Over the years, the state has provided a significant portion of the funding for K-12 facilities through the state school facilities program. Since 1986, voters have approved $15.5  billion in state bonds to support this program.

[PDF] California labor law violations

Reduced State Revenue From Elimination of PAGA Penalties. Under this measure, the state would no longer receive PAGA penalties, meaning the measure would result in reduced state revenue for labor law enforcement.

[PDF] 1948 Budget Analysis: INDEX

,Oonstitutional Amendments, Printing _________________________________ 39 · Records, Establishment of Central DepartmenL __ ~-------------------- 40 Rosters, Public Officials, Printing _________ -'-___________________________ 38 Securities Oommission, DistricL __________________________________________ 205 Senate ________________________________________ ...: ________________ .:.______ 15 -Ship

Proposition 63: Mental Health Services Expansion and Funding. Tax on Incomes Over $1 Million.

Other state support for county mental health programs is provided through the annual state budget act and thus is subject to change by actions of the Legislature and Governor. State Personal Income Tax System.

Completing the Goals of Trial Court Realignment

The Legislature said funding these courts was primarily the state's responsibility because "the overwhelming business of the trial courts is to interpret and enforce provisions of state law and to resolve disputes among the people of the State of California."


CAPITAL OUTLAY OVERVIEW Legislative Analyst's OfficeCAPITAL OUTLAY OVERVIEW Capital Outlay Budgeted Differently Than Program Operations The purpose of state funding for capital outlay is to provide safe and functionally appropriate facilities as needed to operate state programs and provide state services.

[PDF] Pothole Repair Funded by Online Poker (Amendment #2-S)

Proposal Establishes State Online Poker Game. The State Constitution and laws prohibit many forms of gambling, with certain specified exemptions. This measure establishes a state-owned poker site on the Internet.

Understanding California’s Sales Tax

Sales Tax Bases Vary Across States Most States Have State and Local Sales Taxes. Most states assess sales tax at the state and local levels. Some states, like Kentucky, have sales taxes at the state level but do not allow local governments to levy local sale taxes.

[PDF] State Athletic Commission, 92

State Athletic Commission, 92 State Banking Department, 169 State Board of Equalization, 62 State Coastal Conservancy, 342 State Controller, 57 State Council on Developmental Disabilities and Area Boards on Developmental Disabilities, 382 State Courts, National Center for, 28


As noted earlier, the proportion of students who are being placed in education programs located off state hospital grounds varies considerably among state hospitals. Stockton State Hospital has placed the highest pro- portion of students--197, or 74 percent--in community programs located off of hospital grounds.