Results for school year calendar 2024-25 Canada

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LAO 2003-04 Budget Analysis: General Government, Department of Industrial Relations (7350)

Our review of these inspection programs in the 2002-03 Analysis showed that over the last several years, workplace injuries have declined and the department has found fewer labor law and safety violations.

LAO 2003-04 Budget Analysis: General Government, California Consumer Power and Conservation Financing Authority (8665)

Of this original loan amount , CPA has been allocated approximately $8.9  million over the last two years. In the current year, the entire loan balance of $8.9  million was switched from the General Fund to the Renewable Resources Trust Fund of the Energy Resources Conservation and Development Commission (California Energy Commission, or CEC).

LAO 2003-04 Budget Analysis: General Government, Department of Veterans Affairs and Veterans' Homes of California (8955-8966)

This is $8.1  million less than estimated current-year expenditures. Expenditures of $62  million from the General Fund are proposed for the budget year, which is $1.9  million, or 3  percent, less than the estimated current-year level.

LAO 2003-04 Budget Analysis: General Government, Pro Rata (9900)

Beginning in the current year, DOF notified state agencies that the pro rata plan had been revised to include additional assessments to special funds with local assistance and capital outlay appropriations.

LAO 2003-04 Budget Analysis: General Government, Control Section 3.60

Under current law, PERS is responsible for developing employer contribution rates each year based on actuarial analyses. The PERS has estimated that retirement costs would increase from the current-year level of $1.2  billion to $2.2  billion in the budget year.

LAO 2003-04 Budget Analysis: General Government, State Emergency Telephone Number Account

The DGS has completed a pilot in San Francisco and estimates that wireless 911 should be statewide within the next few years. Administration Proposes Additional Activities for Funding It is our understanding that the administration will propose legislation to increase the maximum 911 surcharge rate from 0.75  percent to 1  percent of intrastate phone charges.

LAO 2003-04 Budget Analysis: General Government, Information Technology Governance

For example, over the last ten years, the state has spent an average of about $2  billion per year on IT purposes including (1) developing, implementing, and maintaining IT systems; (2) operating data centers and telecommunication systems; and (3) purchasing ne w or updated hardware and software.

LAO 2003-04 Budget Analysis: General Government, Contributions to the Judges' Retirement System (0390)

General Fund appropriations ($113  million in 2003-04), equivalent to 8  percent of the salaries of authorized judicial positions ($15  million), an amount for PERS administrative costs ($0.6  million), plus any amount necessary to cover JRS I benefit payments each year (proposed $98  million in the budget year under Item 0390).

[PDF] LAO 2003 Budget Analysis: General Government Chapter

The budget proposes $1.8 million General Fund and 29 one-year lim- ited-term positions to support DPA activities driven by an anticipated 10,000 layoffs. (This proposal represents the continuation of a $1.7 mil- lion General Fund deficiency request for the current year.)

[PDF] LAO 2003 Budget Analysis: Health & Social Services Chapter

The Governor’s budget proposes $2.5 billion (all funds) for public health programs in the budget year, a 4 percent ($113 million) decrease from the previous year. The budget proposes $412 million from the Gen- eral Fund in the budget year, a 22 percent ($114 million) decrease from the current year.