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Major Workforce Education and Training Programs in California

Coursework varies and the state does not track participation by subject area. Providers create memoranda of understanding with jails and apply to CDE to receive funding based on average daily attendance.

Legislative Analyst's Office

Legislative Analyst's Office Recruitment for the state's Legislative Analyst is being conducted by The Hawkins Company (PDF). For staff-level fiscal and policy analyst recruitment, see Open Positions on our Careers page.

Deputy Legislative Analyst, State and Local Finance

Deputy Legislative Analyst, State and Local Finance Search for LAO staff assigned to a department or program area.   Deputy Legislative Analyst, State and Local Finance vacant

State Economy and Property Taxes

State Economy and Property Taxes Search for LAO staff assigned to a department or program area.   State Economy and Property Taxes vacant

[PDF] Revenue Options for the 1990-91 Budget

Thus, for example, the economic performance of a state that effectively meets needs such as these might be better than another state which does not, even though the first state's tax burden might be higher.

[PDF] K-12 Education

(The Legislature may wish to consider our recent report, Year-Round School Incentive Programs: An Evaluation, in which we recommend-among other things-that any alternative program of financial incentives provide school districtswith no more than 50 percent of the state's "savings" and include safeguards to ensure that incentives are not merely a subsidy for school districts waiting in line for a state- financed school.)

[PDF] State Spending Plan for 1990-91: The 1990 Budget Act and Related Legislation

Revenues to the fund come from annual "election fee" payments by Page 29 Major State Expenditures by Program Area . ..: 1990·91 Distribution of Tidelands Oil Revenue Governor's Budget as Revised $162 million Budget Act $162 million Housing State Lands Trust Fund Commission SAFCO Housing State Lands Trust Fund Commission SAFCO

[PDF] Proposition 99: An Update

REPRINTS FROM THE Part One: State Fiscal Picture Drug Use in California

[PDF] Bonds and the 1990 Ballots

Bonds and the 1990 Ballots (dollars in millions) The state cannot realistically avoid using bonds The state currently uses to varying degrees all of the above approaches to financing its capital outlay needs.

[PDF] California Maritime Academy: Options for the Legislature

Direct State Costs If state support of the CMA were eliminated, the state would still incur the costs of supporting the estimated number of potential CMA students who would attend other public institutions of higher education.