Results for school year calendar 2024-25 Canada

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LAO 2003-04 Budget Analysis: Health and Social Services, Department of Rehabilitation (5160)

The Governor's budget reflects this proposal, which would result in General Fund savings of $1.5  million in the current year and $6.3  million in the budget year. The Governor's budget also reflects the December revision proposal to suspend the statutory WAP rate adjustment for three years.

LAO 2003-04 Budget Analysis: Health and Social Services, Department of Child Support Services (5175)

The 2003-04 Governor's Budget proposes expenditures totaling $1  billion from all funds for support of DCSS in the budget year. This is a decrease of $19  million, or 1.8  percent, from estimated current-year expenditures.

LAO 2003-04 Budget Analysis: Health and Social Services, In-Home Supportive Services

The budget proposes $16  million from the General Fund for the IHSS program, which is a decrease of about $1  billion compared current-year expenditures. This decrease is attributable to the Governor's proposal to realign the IHSS program to the counties.

LAO 2003-04 Budget Analysis: Health and Social Services, Foster Care

Toward that end, the federal government developed the Child and Family Service Revi ews (CFSR), which it has been conducting for the last two years. The reviews include seven measures for safety, well-being, and permanency.

LAO 2003-04 Budget Analysis: Health and Social Services, Adoptions Programs

Although the most recent data suggest caseload growth will be 10.5  percent per year, in order to be conservative we have adjusted the current-year numbers to actual caseload levels and have assumed a 10.9  percent growth thereafter.

LAO 2003-04 Budget Analysis: Health and Social Services, Food Stamps Program

The remaining federally ineligible recipients are adult legal noncitizens who have lived in the United States for less than five years. As a result of these federal eligibility restorations, CFAP costs in 2003-04 are estimated to be approximately $15  million, which is about $73  million, or 83  percent, below estimated current-year costs.

LAO 2003-04 Budget Analysis: Health and Social Services, Overview

However, total state spending (General Fund plus special funds) for the budget year remains at about t he current-year level as the cost to fund the realigned health and social services programs is shifted to special funds.

LAO 2003-04 Budget Analysis: Health and Social Services, California Medical Assistance Program (4260)

Of this amount, nearly $25  million is for the current year and almost $17  million is in the budget year. In turn, the administration is proposing the adoption of changes in state law that would require counties to meet specified performance standards relating to their duties.

LAO 2003-04 Budget Analysis: Health and Social Services, Managed Risk Medical Insurance Board (4280)

The RHDP projects include mobile dental vans, telemedicine centers, school-based dental programs, and nutrition counseling. Budget Proposal. The funding provided for RHDP in the current year is about $5  million.

LAO 2003-04 Budget Analysis: Health and Social Services, Developmental Services (4300)

Currently, about 25  percent of RC clients are included within a federal waiver program, known as the Home and Community-Based Waiver (HCBW). Under the waiver, the state is able to draw down additional federal Medicaid funds for services aimed at helping to maintain eligible individuals in the community instead of in more expensive institutions.