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[PDF] Health Care in Rural California

Finally, the state must decide the level of funding dedicated to rural health services. Strengthen the State's Leadership Role We recommend that the Legislature designate a lead agency to coordinate the state's rural health programs.

[PDF] Community Corrections

These centers are to be jointly designed and operated by the state and counties. Community Corrections Options- What Have Other States Done? The goals and scope of community corrections legislation enacted in other states have varied greatly.

[PDF] Focus Budget 1992 Local Government Funding

As a result, the state would pay about 55 percent of statewide trial court expenses, which is consistent with prior expressions of legislative intent. The increased state support for trial courts was to be financed primarily by higher court filing and reporter fees, and the transfer of those fees from local governments to the state, which was included in budget-related legislation (AB 1344, Isenberg).

[PDF] The 1991-92 State and Local Program Realignment

The state hospitals, administered by the state Department ofMental Health, provide inpatient care to seriously mentally ill persons placed by counties, the courts, and other state departments. They were previously funded 85 percent state, 15 percent counties. • Institutions forMentalDiseases (IMDs).

[PDF] State Fiscal Impact. The proposal reduces the

State Fiscal Impact. The proposal reduces the state's General Fund expenditures in 1993-94 by approximately $1.4 billion and shifts a like amount of sales tax revenue to the counties to cover their increased costs.

[PDF] Overview of the Governor's Budget 1993-94

State Operations Reductions. The budget includes savings of $197 million in 1993-94 from a proposed downsizing of state operations. Of this total, $150 million would be allocated among state agencies and programs by the Director of Finance.

[PDF] Overview of the May Revision 1993-94

The difference—$1.125 billion—represents borrowing that the Administration intends to use to finance the deficit and provide its stated “reserve.” The proposed borrowing is a means of financing the deficit, not a means of eliminating it.

[PDF] California Update: 1993-94 Budget Enacted

The spending amounts shown in Figure 1 do not include a total of $1.8 billion in off-budget loans to schools and community colleges against their future state funding entitlements. Actions to Close the $8 Billion Budget Gap In May, we estimated that the state faced a 1993-94 General Fund budget gap of $8.0 bil- lion, consisting of the 1992-93 carryover defi- cit and the operating shortfall in 1993-94 be- tween baseline spending and projected rev- enues.

[PDF] California Update: Superior Court Invalidates Proposition 98 Funding Shifts

The state has implemented recaptures when there has been a mid-year reduction In the estimate of the minimum amount of state school support required under Proposition 98. The state loans cash to school districts and commu- nity colleges that will be repaid out of their future Proposition 98 funding.

[PDF] Local Government Property Tax Transfers

Recent Policy Briefs and Issue Papers A Review of the State Bar Court (December 1991). The State's Fiscal Problem (December 1991). Paperwork Reduction in Schools (January 1992). California's Child Support Enforcement Program (January 1992).