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[PDF] Performance Budgeting: Reshaping The State’s Budget Process

The Governor's 1993-94 Budget proposed to change the state's budget- ing process by pilot testing performance budgeting in four state departments because the state's traditional budget process "has become seriously dysfunctional." - FINDINGS We have reviewed the use of performance budgeting in other states and the Governor's proposal for California.

[PDF] Trial Court Funding

As indicated above, Chapter 90 specifies the Legislature's intent to increase state support of the trial courts by 5 percent per year, up to a state-supported funding level of 70 percent by 1995-96. This would result in the state supporting 60 percent of the statewide costs for trial court operations in 1993-94.


The 1994 budget package represents a two-year plan for balancing the state's budget. As shown in Figure 1, the state will end the 1994-95 fiscal year with a deficit in its reserve fund of approximately $1 billion.

[PDF] Bonds and the 1994 Ballots

In addition, no bonds are proposed for some state capital programs, such as constructing state office space, rehabilitating the state developmental centers and hospitals, or upgrading fire fighting/protection facilities.


In addition to these three major financing provisions, there are two other financing provisions with fiscal implications for the state. First, we estimate that the state would save about $20 million annually, beginning no earlier than FFY 1998, from additional federal matching funds if the state converted to a state-operated, rather than the existing county-operated, system.

Redevelopment After Reform: A Preliminary Look

Accordingly, we recommend the Legislature strengthen the state's CRL oversight system by enacting legisl ation requiring local agencies to submit proposed redevelopment plans to the state Attorney General for a finding of consistency with state law.

[PDF] California Update: The 1995-96 Budget Outlook

Wilson involves a risk of $1 billion for the state to make up employee retire- ment contributions that were deferred by past budget-balancing actions. Other Uncertainties. The state also faces other uncertainties that cannot be quanti- fied at this time.

[PDF] California Update: The “Trigger” Mechanism

The biggest uncertainty on the expenditure side concerns the bUdget assumption that the state will re- ceive $762 million in new immigration-related federal funds. With regard to revenues, there is both up- and down-side risk, primarily de- pending on how the economy is performing relative to what was assumed in the budget.

[PDF] Highlights of the Analysis and P&I

Highlights of the Analysis and P&I Highlights of the Analysis and P & I STATE FISCAL PICTURE >- State Faces $4.9 Billion Budget Gap in 1994-95 • The state faces a total budget gap of $4.9 billion, consisting of a 1993-94 year-end budget deficit of $2.5 billion and an operating shortfall of $2.4 billion in 1994-95.

[PDF] Redevelopment After Reform: A Preliminary Look

Accordingly, we recommend that the Legislature take action to strengthen the state's CRL oversight system by enacting legislation requiring local agencies to submit proposed redevelopment plans and other documents to the state Attorney General for a finding of consistency with state law.