Results for snohomish county lodging tax

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[PDF] Overview of the 2003-04 May Revision

Partial- ly offsetting this is projected tax revenue increas- es, totaling about $400 million, due to favorable trends in personal income tax withholding, corporation tax prepayments, insurance premi- um taxes, and estate taxes.

Overview of the 2005-06 May Revision

The increase is boosted by the proposed transfer of Proposition  42 funds to transportation, a one-time payment of past Proposition  98 settle-up obligations, and a $90  million increase in the Department of Mental Health's budget to cover payment of prior-year county mandate claims for mental health services to special education pupils.

[PDF] Funding for Transportation: What the New Federal Act Means for California

Highways: Guarantees “donor states” a minimum of 90.5 percent return on state fuel tax contributions in 2005 and 2006, 91.5 percent in 2007, and 92.0 percent in 2008 and 2009. Provides incentives for private sector participation in construction of major trans- portation facilities.

Developing Safety and Quality Ratings for Childcare: Issues and Options

Comprehensive Quality Criteria-The Los Angeles County Approach The rating instrument that Los Angeles County developed monitors the following areas of program quality: teacher/child relationships, learning environment, identification and inclusion of children with special needs, administration, and family and community.

[PDF] A Review of UC's Long Range Development Planning Process

During our campus visits, we also met separately with neighborhood residents and local government of- ficials (such as city council members and county supervisors) to learn about their concerns and involvement in the LRDP process.

[PDF] 2008-09 Overview of the Governor's Budget

Social Services Reduces county allocations for child welfare services and foster care grants by approximately 10 percent. Reduces IHSS hours for domestic services (meal preparation, cleaning, errands) by 18 percent.

[PDF] MOU Fiscal Analysis: Bargaining Unit 7

The proposed agreement would increase the maximum reimbursement rates available to Unit 7 employees for costs related to meals and lodging while traveling on state business. Employees would be eligible for reimbursement for:  A maximum of $41 for meals (up from $34) in a 24-hour period of travel.  Between $90 and $150 each night (up from between $84 and $140 each night) for

[PDF] 1947 Budget Analysis: Transmittal Letter

Operating ll]xpense _________________________ .:. ____________ 582 Division of Local Health Services __________________________________ 583 Aid to Cities and Counties _____ .:: ______________________________ 583 Recommendations _______________________________________________ ' 583 For Improvements, Repairs, and ll]quipment, Department of Public Health


At the present time Ventura County is cooperating with , . the State in the project and substantial private assistance has also been secured. Recommendation It is recommended that a fund in the amount of at least $500,000 be established out of revenues accruing from the pari-mutuel horse race tax for the purpose of meeting emergency requirements for eradication and conil'ol of agricultural pests.

[PDF] 1949 Budget Analysis: EMERGENCY FUND

We recommend that the amottnt reqttested be allowed, and that appropriate legislation be passed to limit the amount of intere-st which may be paid on overpayment of the Gross Premi1tm'S Insurance Tax to 6 pm'cent.