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Of the ten largest states, five do not provide any state supplemental grant, while California, New York, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and New Jersey do provide a supplemental grant. In states without the supplement, eligible persons receive only the federal SSI amount ($446 for individuals or $669 for couples in 1994.)


TRANSPORTATION PLANNING The STIP Schedules Major Projects for State Funding The state's surface transportation program is scheduled for funding primarily in the State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP).


STATE HIGHWAY SYSTEM Legislative Analyst's Office STATE HIGHWAY SYSTEM State Highway System Is Only a Small Portion of All California Roads The state highway system, which consists of roads under state jurisdiction, comprises only 9 percent of all roads in the state.


In general, state law requires intercity rail services to recover 55 percent of their operating expenses with fare revenues (farebox return) by the third year of operation in orde r to continue to receive state funds.

Three Strikes and You're Out

Less Immediate Impact on State Prison Population Than Expected. The state's prison population is expected to increase substantially as a result of "Three Strikes " because the measure increases prison sentences, limits the ability of repeat offenders to earn credits to reduce the time they spend in prison, and requires more persons who coul d have been granted probation or sentenced to county jail to be sentenced to state prison.

Los Angeles County's Fiscal Problem

It issued bonds to cover operating expenses in 1992-93 (Marina Del Rey) and in 1994-95 (to cover its pension fund liabilities). These actions raise the ongoing debt service costs t o the county. It used prior-year settlement payments and acceleration of future federal payments under the SB 855 program to balance its health budget in the 1992-93 through 1994-95 fiscal years .

Focus Budget 1995

The budget assumes enactment of federal legislation to collect delinquent state taxes from federal tax refunds and includes additional revenues from enhanced audit and collection activities by the state's tax agencies.

House and Senate Welfare Reform

Under the Senate version, a state would have the option, however, to prohibit current noncitizens from receiving any federally funded means-tested public assistance programs. Figure 8 summarizes the major program and fiscal provisions pertaining to restricting welfare for noncitizens.

[PDF] The 1995-96 Budget Act and Related Legislation

Of the $30.4 billion in total funding, 90 percent is from state and local sources—77 percent provided under Propo- sition 98 and 13 percent from non-Proposition 98 sources. Non- Proposition 98 funding from state and local sources includes prima- rily (1) state General Fund payments to the State Teachers’ Retire- ment System and

State Spending Plan--Summary, Chap. 1 & 2

Most of the state's expenditures are from the General Fund. In 1995-96, General Fund expenditures will amount to $43.3 billion, or 74 percent of total state spending reflected in Figure 1. State Spending Trends since 1984-85 To put this year's budget into perspective, Figure 2 shows state spending trends since 1984-85.