Results for snohomish county lodging tax

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[PDF] 1951 Budget Analysis: LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL

J,te Gov- ernment, including the Legislature, executive, general administration and fiscal affairs, regulation of business and tax collection, conservation of natural resources, military and veterans affairs, and other miscel- laneous activities.

[PDF] 1951 Budget Analysis: Department of Employment

This is true of its basic struGture and organization, its employees who are subject to l state civil service to the same degree as any other group of state employees, of the tax rates paid by employers, and the scale of benefit payments made to unemployed workers.

[PDF] 1959 Budget Analysis: Water Resources

"Loss due to seepage, when compared to the total agricultural in- come of the six counties in which seepage occurred, are small. "Most of the seepage in the Sacramento Valley appears to be 'through seepage' (that is, through the levees).

[PDF] 1960 Budget Analysis: Executive Branch

The total for the 1959-60 fiscal year is in the vicinity of $3 million with such noteworthy instances as Los Angeles County at over $431,000, San Diego County at over $286,000, City of Sacramento and County of Sacramento at over $243,000, City and County of San Francisco at over $130,000, Contra Costa County at over $98,.000, etc.

[PDF] 1960 Budget Analysis: Miscellaneous

We understand the State Printer quotes a price of $1.13 per thousand on these cards (sales tax and delivery in- cluded) whereas, a large data processing machine firm has quoted a price of $1.03 per thousand (without sales tax and delivery costs).

[PDF] 1961 Budget Analysis: Fiscal

The Franchise Tax Board spends about the same amount on field audits for both taxes ($809,000 for personal income tax and $832,000 for franchise tax) although the franchise tax audits are almost three times as productive. 2.

[PDF] 1961 Budget Analysis: Highway Patrol

This activity is reimbursed by counties under the au~ thority of Section 2120 of the Streets and Highways Code. The depart- ment advises they are now providing this service to several municipali- ties in the Los Angeles area on contracts which the department bills on a monthly basis.

[PDF] 1961 Budget Analysis: Index

1961 Budget Analysis: Index INDEX A Page Accountancy, Board of (Professional and Vocational Standards) _____________ 680 Adult Authority _______________________________________________________ 104 Aeronautics Commission ________________________________________________ 638 Agnews State HospitaL _____________________________________________ A95, 816 Agricultural: Association, Sixth DistricL

[PDF] 1962 Budget Analysis: Public Works

There are several minor exceptions such as the district and county fairs which may handle their own projects up to $35,000 each and in the case of all agencies which may handle their own projects up to $20,000 el,tch if released to them by the Division of Architecture.

[PDF] 1962 Budget Analysis: Social Welfare

The case management positions granted to the Department of Social Welfare in 1961-62 were used to develop case management methods which could be applied and used by other counties. They also consult with counties and help counties to develop such programs and implement them.