Results for snohomish county lodging tax

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[PDF] 1963 Budget Analysis: General Administration

The State of California might follow the example of the Los Angeles County Civil Service Commission which serves as the personnel policy and rule-making civil service body for 43,000 em- ployees of the County of Los Angeles.

[PDF] 1963 Budget Analysis: Corrections

This may include county jailor county probation, state prison, a mental hospital, out-of-state prison or a fed- eral correctional facility. Of the 1,267 wards who received unfavorable discharges in 1961-62, 637 or 50.3 percent were committed to an adult penal institution.

[PDF] 1963 Budget Analysis: Veterans

Commission membership consists of the Director of Water Resources, the Director of Fish and Game, and three Modoc County residents appointed by the Governor. The members are nonsalaried, but are allowed necessary expenseB incurred in the performance of their, duties.

[PDF] 1964 Budget Analysis: Executive

One of the principal goals of this council apparently is to define the general scope of responsibilities of various levels of government including the State, cities, counties and special districts. The council consists of 18 members appointed by the Governor including 3 representing cities, 3 counties, 2 school districts, 6 the State, and 4 the general public.

[PDF] 1967 Budget Analysis: Transmittal

This will tend to reduce the amount collected in each of the state taxes for 1967-68. In view of these factors the cash revenue estimate of $2,710.4 million on the existing tax base appears to be a sound estimate for 1967-68.

[PDF] 1969 Budget Analysis: Transportation Agency

When the difference is adjusted for merit salary increases, sales tax, and new equipment, the net difference is $7,157,605. This is 7.08 percent greater than the January, 1967, pro- jection. The increase in cost is shown by cause in Table 3.

[PDF] 1972 Budget Analysis: Executive

The radio and land-line system now serves 52 counties, as to the statewide warning system and the intercity law network. Over 123 city / county jurisdictions also have compatible equipment. C. Development and Implementation of Emergency Plans The entire capability of the Office of Emergency Services and its . subsidiary cooperative agencies rests on well-developed plans for ac- tion in various kinds of emergencies.

[PDF] 1975 Budget Analysis: Capital Outlay

Table 2 Legislative Analyst Proposed Health Science Capital Outlay Program from the Health Sciences Bond Fund Project Title Phase a Correct life safety deficiencies Step 2, University Hospi- tal of San Diego County." ...... ", ............................ "".... we Basic Sciences building, correct life safety deficiencies we Replacement facilities for UC Hospital, inpatient

[PDF] 1983-84 Budget Analysis: Miscellaneous

Our analysis indicates that the request for $65,000 is sufficient to reim- burse counties for this program. Therefore, we recommend approval. Senior Citizens' Property Tax Deferral We recommend approval of funds for Ch 1242/77.

[PDF] The 1983-84 Budget: Perspectives and Issues

The estimates in Table 44 assume that the yield paid on future tax-exempt bond issues will be 10 percent. The actual yields, however, will depend on the course of future federal monetary and fiscal policies, on the market for municipal debt specifically, and on the path of the economy generally.