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By creating a new crime, this bill would impose a

By creating a new crime, this bill would impose a state-mandated local program. +} {- The -} {+ (3) The +} California Constitution requires the state to reimburse local agencies and school districts for certain costs mandated by the state.

(a) Except as otherwise provided in this section, the

(a) Except as otherwise provided in this section, the state body shall provide an opportunity for members of the public to directly address the state body on each agenda item before or during the state body's discussion or consideration of the item.

The California Constitution requires the state

The California Constitution requires the state to reimburse local agencies and school districts for certain costs mandated by the state. Statutory provisions establish procedures for making that reimbursement.

[PDF] Child Abuse and Neglect in California

Therefore, we recommend that counties be allowed to use state foster care funds to provide these services to children and their families after reunification. We note that Chapter 105, Statutes of 1988 (AB 558, Hannigan) established a Family Preservation pilot program to provide intensive short-term family maintenance and family reunification services by giving counties more flexibility in the use of foster care funds.

Child Abuse and Neglect in California - Part III

Some of the variation in placement rates among states is due to differences in demographic and socio-economic factors (for example, incidence of poverty), state policies and prac tices, and state data collection procedures.

Child Abuse and Neglect in California - Part IV

Specifically, counties are authorized to use up to 25 percent of the state's share of pro jected foster care costs to fund family preservation support services. Generally, these services are not targeted to children in long term foster care.

Cal Facts 1996, California's Population

Migration Again Contributing to State's Population Growth Annual Population Increase (In Thousands) During the recession, growth from net migration almost stopped. There was a net outflow of people from California to other states in response to job losses, although continued fore ign immigration offset this loss.

County Budgets Are Largely DrivenBy State

County Budgets Are Largely DrivenBy State Policy Choices Over one-half of county revenues come from the state and federal governments. Property taxes are the largest general purpose revenue source. County expenditures are largely dictated by state laws and budget actions, with more than half of county revenues being spent for health and public assistance.


1996 Cal Facts: STATE AND LOCAL FINANCE 26 STATE AND LOCAL FINANCE Number of Total Districts Revenue Enterprise Water 894 $3,785 Transit 52 2,665 Hospital 76 1,888 Waste disposal 612 1,848 Electric utility 55 1,764 Nonenterprise Self-insurance 149 $1,167 Fire protection 569 868 Flood control 90 465 Lighting and maintenance 58 341 Recreation and park 297 330 Air

California's Crime Rate Higher Than Many Large

California's Crime Rate Higher Than Many Large States Rate per 100,000 Population California's 1993 crime rate is higher than the nation's rate and is the second highest among the large states. Florida's 1993 rate was the highest among the large states and was about 17 percent higher than California's rate.