Results for quezon city transfer of ownership

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Funeral services could be held at the Home and the remains transferred for interment. This should be a more satisfac- tory arrangement and obviate the need for the reclassification, reducing salaries and wages $1,200.


We recom- mend that at the next General Session serious consideration be given by . the Legislature to transferring this function to the Department of Pro- " fessional and Vocational Standards. Approval of the amount requested is recommended.

[PDF] 1954 Budget Analysis: Department of Education

That the balance of $50,000 be transferred to the budget of build- ings and grounds to augment the following items for state-wide use as needs require: Sacramento buildings-operating expense- general maintenance ____________________________ $35,000 Sacramento buildings-equipment-maintenance of buildings-additional ___________________________ 15,000 Department of Finance

[PDF] 1960 Budget Analysis: General Administration

During the current year, the need for additional engineering recruitment assistance in-state was recog- nized when a personnel analyst position was transferred from the Personnel Services Division to the Los Angeles recruitment office.

[PDF] 1960 Budget Analysis: Mental Hygiene

The fourth basic question relates somewhat to the third above and concerns those positions presently authorized in the department which can be transferred to the day hospital program. These can come from the hospitals; other state community programs, or the Short-Doyle program.

[PDF] Increases excise taxes on the distribution of cigarettes and other tobacco products and applies the tobacco products excise tax to electronic cigarettes (Amendment #1).

This measure requires the transfer of some revenues raised by the new taxes to “backfill,” or offset, any revenue losses that occur to funds supported by existing state cigarette and tobacco taxes as a direct result of the imposition of the new taxes.

[PDF] Consolidating California's Statewide Automated Welfare Systems

For example, the Legislature may want monthly or as-needed updates during key points, such as the testing and piloting of LRS or the transfer of data during the migration effort. Consider reConCiling Chapters 7 and 13 Chapter 7’s goals deal mainly with streamlining the eligibility determination processes for health and human services programs.

[PDF] 1961 Budget Analysis: Fiscal

We recommend that agency owned car E 256338 be transferred to the Department of Finance pool. , This car was purchased August 4, 1959, and is a "special passenger vehicle" such as are authorized for heads of departments under Section 4104 of the Administrative Manual.

2000 Budget Perspectives: Major Expenditure Proposals

Of this amount, $20 million is for ecosystem restoration projects, $12.3 million is for planning and o perations, and $10 million is for local water management and water transfer programs in areas served by Delta water.

LAO 2006 Budget Analysis: Reforming the CALFED Bay-Delta Program

CALFED Expenditures —State Funds Only (In Millions) State Water Resources Control Board 1.6 $249.9   a   Could include conveyance, water storage, water use efficiency, water transfers, and Environmental Water Account expenditures.