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2000 Budget Analysis: H&SS; Overview

The budget also proposes to revise the formula for providing county fiscal incentives under the California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids program, which wou ld result in significant state savings.

[PDF] Highlights of the 2000-01 Analysis and P & I

Ø CalWORKs County Performance Incentive System Should Be Changed n Under the current California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids (CalWORKs) program, counties receive state payments, or performance incentives, based primarily on savings resulting from recipients who (1) leave the program due to employment or (2) have increased earnings.

2001 Budget Analysis: Capital Outlay, California Conservation Corps (3340)

In ant icipation of the need to relocate the center, the corps has had discussions with Santa Clara County about locating the center on county owned land known as the "Burnett site." The county board of supervisors has adopted a resolution endorsing the concept of a lease with the corps to establish a center on the Burnett site and has authorized the county directo r of parks and recreation to proceed with negotiations.

2001 Budget Analysis: Capital Outlay, Department of Mental Health

As a result, two potential sites were considered —Pleasant Valley State Prison in Coalinga, Fresno County, and Centinela State Prison in Imperial County. A total of $6 million was provided in the 2000-01 Budget Act for community mitigation for education facilities and local government infrastructure.

2001 Budget Analysis:Office of Planning and Research

To date, SOS has certified t hree different types of touch screen systems for counties to use. In addition, six counties have used touch screen systems to varying degrees in actual elections, and one county ha s used touch screen voting for an entire general election.

2001 Budget Analysis: Department of General Services (1760)

The law requires that the headquarters of the Coastal Commission be located in a coastal county, but otherwise does not specify any particular county. Thus, headquarters of the com mission could be relocated to another, lower-cost coastal county, which would make it unnecessary to rent office space for the commission in San Francisco.

2001 Budget Analysis: California Housing Finance Agency (2260)

Because developer fees are not the sole method of taxing home buyers for the cost of school facilities, providing assistance based on the amount of developer fees paid excludes hom e buyers taxed in the alternate ways.

2001 Budget Analysis:State Water Resources

For example, at a brie fing on the budget proposal, administration representatives stated that funding would be limited to projects located in San Diego, Orange, Los Angeles, and Ventura Counties. Howeve r, according to the board, it is still performing analyses to determine where funding would be targeted.

2001 Budget Analysis: Fund Conditions for Resources Programs

The costs of commercial f ishing programs are to be paid solely out of revenues from commercial fishing taxes and license fees. For 2001-02, the budget proposes total FGPF expenditures of $88.6 million, almost entirely for the support of DFG.

[PDF] LAO 2001 Budget Analysis: Resources Chapter

Of the 9 mills, 6 mills will continue to be distributed to the counties for enforcement, with the re- maining 3 mills available for DPR’s operations. Major Shortfall in DPR Fund Beginning in 2002-03.