Results for school year calendar 2024-25 Canada

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Local rent control laws. [Ballot]

Feb 10, 2023 - Landlord s cannot increase rent by more than 5  percent plus inflation in a year, or 10  percent, whichever is lower. This applies to most housing that is more than 15 years old. This law lasts until January 1, 2030.

Preliminary April personal income tax collections of $13.02 billion (all funds)

Apr 30, 2013 - Moreover, differences in assumed year-over-year growth rates of revenues will affect the Proposition 98 minimum funding guarantee for schools and community colleges. If stock market trends  continue to be positive, these will affect 2013-14 revenues as well.

LAO 2007 Budget Analysis: California Highway Patrol (2720)

In addition, CHP assumed that all truck terminals require approximately eight and a half hours to complete when, in fact, about 25 percent of the terminal inspections in a given year are subject to an “administrative review” which takes approximately two hours.

Juvenile Crime--Who Is Being Victimized by Crime?

Someone age 16 to 19 is 25 times more likely to be injured as a consequence of aggravated assault than someone over 65, and 4 times more likely than someone between the ages of 35 and 49. Juveniles, ages 12 to 19, report more injuries for robberies than all those age 25 and older.

The 2019-20 Budget: California Spending Plan—Conformity

Oct 17, 2019 - Federal CT laws define a small business as a corporation or a partnership with a corporate partner that has annual gross receipts under $25  million. The changes in state law conform to federal changes regarding the definition of a small business made in 2017.

The 2020-21 Budget: Expanding the Minimum Franchise Tax Exemption

Mar 23, 2020 - About 25  p ercent of new companies do not file a timely corporate tax return in their first year of business. We are concerned that the exemption itself may be confusing new companies that might infer that they are not required to file a tax return because they are exempt from the minimum franchise tax in their first year.

[PDF] 1968 Budget Analysis: Controller

The planning office has 25 authorized positions during 1967-68 and this level is proposed for continuance in 1968-69. The authorized posi- tions are organized into a state planning section and a local planning section as detailed in Table 4.

LAO 2005 Budget Analysis: Special Education

Federal law requires school districts provide these services. By eliminating the state mandate on counties, our recommendation has the effect of returning these responsibilities to school districts. We also recommend the Legislature revise the proposed Budget Bill language and add the full $100  million earmarked for mental health services into the base special education funding formula.

[PDF] Unwinding Redevelopment

Statewide, the findinGS and rEcommEndationS 2012-13 B u d g e T Legislative Analyst’s Office 25 RDAs received more property taxes in 2011 than all of the state’s fire, parks, and other special districts combined and, in some areas of the state, more property taxes than the city or county received.

[PDF] The 2010-11 Budget: Automated Speed Enforcement Merits Authorization

(This amount would increase in future years.) Our estimate assumes that about half of the exist‑ ing automated red light enforcement systems would be modified in the budget year to include ASE capabilities.