Results for 서울시 tax

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2000 Budget Analysis: K-12 Education Part 1

The revenue limit was calculated to be equal to the per-student amount of general purpose student aid and local property taxes that a distric t received in 1972-73. The limits do not include state categorical funds (such as state aid for special education or class size reduction), lottery revenue, or any federal aid to l ocal districts.

2000 Budget Analysis: H&SS; Public Health

This measure, enacted by the voters in 1998, increases the excise tax on cigarettes by 50 cents per pack. The measure also increases the excise tax on other types of tobacco produ cts. The tax increase results in a price increase on cigarettes and other tobacco products, which has the effect of reducing consumption (sales), thereby reducing Proposition 99 re venues.

2000 Budget Analysis: H&SS; CalWORKs 5180

As an alternative to eliminating the disregard, the Legislature could also provide a work expense supplement in the amount of $50 in lieu of the current $225 and 50 percent disre gard, on the basis that recipients participating in wage-based community service must pay employee Federal Insurance Contributions Act taxes (about $50 per month).

2000 Budget Analysis: H&SS; CCFC 4250

We also note that passage of Proposition 28, included on the March 2000 ballot, would repeal the tax provisions of Proposition 10. This would eliminate new funds for programs administered by the state and local commissions.

2000 Budget Analysis: Governor's Transportation 2000 Initiative

Use-It-Or-Lose-It Provision for Local Gas Tax Revenues Should Not Be Adopted . Under current law, local governments receive about 34 percent of state gas tax revenues (at 18 cents per gallon of gasoline and diesel fuel).

2000 Budget Analysis: Condition of Transportation Funds

The second major revenue source is a 4.75 percent sales tax on 9 cents of the state excise tax on gasoline. In 1999-00, this sales tax is estimated to generate for the PTA is about $61 million. The PTA Primarily Supports State Transit Assistance (STA), Intercity Rail, and Transit Capital Improvements.

2000 Budget Analysis: Department of Transportation

Additionally, 16 counties with special sales taxes for transportation purposes, known collectively as the "self-help cou nties," deliver projects on the state highway system using local sales tax revenues to fund the projects.

2000 Budget Analysis: Department of Motor Vehicles

Additionally, the department licenses and regulates vehicle-related businesses such as automobile dealers and driver training scho ols, and also collects certain fee and tax revenues for state and local agencies.

2001 Budget Analysis: P&I, Part 1

Tax Relief. Includes $108 million in targeted tax relief, including an increase in the manufacturers' investment tax credit and a three-day sales tax holiday. One-Time Expenditures. In addition to the electricity set-aside, contains one-time funds for capital outlay, housing, local fiscal relief, and resources.

2001 Budget Analysis: P&I, Part 5a

If a final appellate court decision finds that the realignment provisions related to VLF deposits violate the Constitution, the VLF tax increase from 1991 would be repealed. Similarly, if a final appellate court decision finds that revenues from the half-cent realignment sales tax are subject to Proposition 98's education funding guarantee, this portio n of the sales tax would be repealed.