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LAO 2004 Budget Analysis: Timber Harvest Fee Proposal Should Go Further

Timber Harvest Plan Review Expenditures 2004-05 (In Millions) State Water Resources Control Board 3.1 a   Public Resources Account, Timber Tax Fund, and reimbursements. b   Environmental License Plate Fund and reimbursements.

LAO 2005 Budget Analysis: Child Welfare Services

In other words, this budget policy provides counties with $240  million more than needed to meet the 1984 standards. CWS Augmentation. The Legislature has been concerned about the large caseloads carried by social workers in many counties.

LAO 2005 Budget Analysis: Judicial Branch (0250)

When the state assumed primary responsibility for funding trial court operations, there were a number of court-related fees that could not be designated as belonging to either the courts or the counties.

LAO 2006 Budget Perspectives and Issues: A Perspective on Emergencies and Disasters in California

We also note that after the Governor’s budget plan was developed, the federal government awarded California $9.6 million (including $2.9 million for Los Angeles County) for pandemic influenza preparation.

LAO 2006 Budget Analysis: Child Care

For example, in Yolo County the cost of care in the university town of Davis was significantly higher than the cost in the remainder of the county. Aggregating to the county level in Yolo County would mean that reimbursement rates would not be high enough to access child care in Davis, and would likely be higher than necessary to access quality care in rest of the county.

LAO 2006 Budget Analysis: Special Education

Our estimate of the current-year special education budget indicates that costs are $7.6 million hig her than assumed in the budget act, and that local property tax revenues are $11.1 million lower (based on DOF estimates).

LAO 2006 Budget Analysis: Federal Funds

Specifically, these statutorily authorized interventions include a county office of educati on support network, funding for School Assistance and Intervention Teams (SAIT), and grants to PI districts or districts with large numbers of PI schools.

LAO 2006 Budget Analysis: Migrant Education

Does not include funding passed through to some school districts by county office of education (COE) regional centers. b   The COEs provide a portion of this funding to local districts, but statewide data on these pass-throughs are not available.

LAO 2006 Budget Analysis: Department of Conservation (3480)

Grants to cities and counties for litter abatement and recycling activities ($11爉illion). Infrastructure loan guarantees ($10爉illion). Grants to encourage new and expanded end-uses for aluminum, glass, and plastic beverage containers ($10爉illion).

LAO 2006 Budget Analysis: Funding for Transportation Programs

The regional funding is further allocated to counties based on statutory formula. The TCRP. The TCRP is the second major project construction program. It mainly consists of 141 statutorily-defined projects located throughout the state, with each project receiving a speci fied amount of money.