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SRI International--Charter Schools Effectiveness

He added that there had been some deviation on instructional materials (different from the state). In addition, the school also had the option of hiring noncertificated staf f (which they had not done yet).

California Update April 1997

The overall growth in jobs has coincided with a significant improvement in the state's unemployment rate. This rate fell from 6.9 percent in January to 6.5 percent in February, the lowest level since September 1990.

California Update, January 1997

The CEA operating budget is not subject to state approval. The CEA, however, must submit an annual report to the Legislature and is subject to an annual audit by independent auditors approved by the state Department of Finance.


The CEA operating budget is not subject to state approval. The CEA, however, must submit an annual report to the Legislature and is subject to an annual audit by indepen- dent auditors approved by the state Depart- ment of Finance.

May 1997 Cal Update

Finally, major court cases relating to Medi-Cal rates, reimbursement of counties for indigent care costs, and state pensions are pending that could have significant General Fund implications. While the fiscal impacts are most likely to occur after the budget year, it is possible that early settlement of one or more of the cases could have fiscal impacts o n 1997-98.


In contrast, Michigan, Ohio, and Pennsylva- nia—three states that gain significantly un- der the proposed incentive system—require that all child support payments be disbursed through their state child support enforce- ment systems.

October 1997 California Update

Under state law, districts may use these revenues for any purpose. Other State Funds In addition to revenue limit funds, the state provides districts with other funds —such as categorical program assistance and lottery funds.

Budget Overview

The dollar impact on the proposed state budget, ho wever, is minor. The Opportunity Scholarship program is even projected to save the state's General Fund about $40  million. This is because the budget assumes that all 15,000 students using the scholarships would attend private school.

Rethinking the Cal-Vet Loan Program Part II

Expansion of state assistance to CVSOs might assist more veterans in obtaining federal VA pension and medical benefits and reduce their reliance upon state-funded Medi-Cal and Supplemental Security Income/State Supplementary Program (SSI/SSP) programs.

Taking Advantage of New Federal Higher Education Tax Credits

Revenue Options The Legislature could structure fee increases in various ways to meet multiple state objectives. These options include: Maximizing State Resources. The state could raise fees at the three segments in a way that maximizes the effective federal subsidy of California's higher education programs.