Results for snohomish county lodging tax

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[PDF] Mental Health Services Act

Each county is directed by the act to draft and submit for state review and approval a three-year plan for the delivery of mental health services within its jurisdiction. The Franchise Tax Board (FTB) is the lead state agency responsible for administration of the tax provisions.

2005 Initiative Analysis: The Education Funding Protection Act

Background Article XIIIB of the State Constitution places annual limits on the appropriations of tax proceeds that can be made by the state, school districts, and local governments in Califor nia. The annual spending limit for each jurisdiction is based on the amount of appropriations in 1978 ‑79 (the base year), as adjusted each year for population growth and cost-of-living factors.

[PDF] "Excellence in Teaching Act"

Bill Lockyer 2 February 22, 2005 Proposal The initiative adds to the State Constitution a new section relating to school employment decisions by school districts, county offices of education, and charter schools.

[PDF] Cheaper Prescription Drugs for California Act

Potential Savings on State and County Health Program Costs. The pharmacy assistance program established under this initiative could provide some fiscal benefits to the state and to counties by reducing costs for health programs.

[PDF] "The California Live Within Our Means Act"

Bill Lockyer 5 March 2, 2005 Proposition 42 Transfers Current Law Under Proposition 42 (approved by the voters in March 2002), sales taxes on motor vehicle fuel are transferred to the Transportation Investment Fund (TIF) for public transit, capital improvement projects, and maintenance projects.

[PDF] Responsible Gaming and Population Segment Investment

This measure amends the Constitution to allow Las Vegas-style gambling within a “gaming district” that would be established in San Bernardino County. The land for the district would be purchased by the state through eminent domain.

2005 Initiative Analysis: Preschool for All Act

The SPI would distribute some funding to counties based on the number of four-year-olds in the county, and then would maintain a state facilities reserve to provide additional financial support to counties that demonstrate additional facilities needs.

2005 Initiative Analysis: California Marriage Protection Act

For the receipt of federal benefits or for federal tax purposes, current federal la w only recognizes marriage between a man and a woman. State Laws. The State Constitution currently does not define marriage.

2006 Initiative Analysis: Redistricting Reform: The Empowering Democracy Act

The plan must minimize the splitting of counties and cities into multiple districts. After meeting the other requirements, the plan would also aim to maximize the number of “competitive” districts. The commission would develop its own criteria to define compe titiveness.

2006 Initiative Analysis: California Citizens Compensation Commission

Per Diem for Lodging and Expenses. Under current law, legislators are eligible to receive a per diem payment to cover lodging, meals, and other expenses for each day of attendance at legislative sessions, or rela ted travel.