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[PDF] A Primer on the Vehicle License Fee An LAO

A Primer on the Vehicle License Fee An LAO A Primer on the Vehicle License Fee Introduction June 17, 1998 The revised revenue estimate included in the Governor’s May Revi- sion has given the state over $4 billion in unexpected revenues for 1997-98 and 1998-99 combined.

[PDF] An LAO State Superfund Reauthorization: Expediting Hazardous Substance Site Cleanups

An LAO State Superfund Reauthorization: Expediting Hazardous Substance Site Cleanups Elizabeth G. Hill Legislative Analyst An LAO

Major Features of the 1998 California Budget

The federal government provided these funds to the state for construction of state prisons, but federal law and regulation permits the state to use the funds for local juvenile detention facilities instead.

[PDF] High Priority Projects in California

Irwin Road from I-15 to Fort Irwin 1.1 1.9 60 San Bernardino Reconstruct I-215 and construct HOV lanes between 2nd Street and 9th Street, San Bernardino 2.1 3.4 60 San Bernardino Construct I-10/Pepper Avenue Interchange 6.6 11.0 60 San Bernardino Widen I-15 in San Bernardino County 18.0 70.7 26 San Bernardino Widen 5th Street and replace 5th Street bridge in Highland, Califor- nia 0.8 1.3 60 San

State and Regional Economic Developments in California

As indicated in Figure  2, nearly all of the state's major sectors added jobs through the first half of 1998. The state's services sector has contributed over 200,000 jobs over the past yearnearly one-ha lf of the total gain.

State and Regional Economic Developments in California

Santa Clara County Has Been Hottest Economy in the State. Santa Clara County is the state's high technology capital, with nearly one-fourth of its workforce employed in manufacturing and services industries related to the design and prod uction of computers, electronics, and software.

California Spending Plan, Chapter 3

  $15 million for the state's share of costs for a flood control project in San Joaquin County and $15 million for private property connections to sewer systems in coastal San Luis Obispo County. The Governor subsequently reduced the appropriation for the flood control project to $12.6 million and vetoed the $15 million for the sewer system infrastructure

[PDF] An LAO Report State Should Employ “Best Practices” On Information Technology Projects

By contrast, if the state requires the vendor to propose the solution to a stated business problem, the risk related to offering the appropriate solution is predominantly shifted from the state to the vendor.

Overhauling the State's Infrastructure

State/local funding responsibilities not articulated. Significant state support for certain local infrastructure, but not considered in the context of statewide needs and the state's primary responsibility to provide adequate state-owned facilities.

LAO Recommended Legislation, 1998: Resources

Rationale The IWMB is responsible for most of the state's waste recycling programs. The DOC, however, administers the beverage container recycling program, which promotes the recycling of certain types of beverage containers.