Results for quezon city transfer of ownership

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Proposition 1A: Safe, Reliable High-Speed Passenger Train Bond Act.

Prohibits the Legislature from imposing a tax, fee, or assessment on real property or the sale or transfer of real property. (Currently, the Legislature is already prohibited from imposing ad valorem or sales taxes on real property.)

2009 Initiative Analysis: Best Practices Budget Accountability Act (Version 2)

One-time expenditures include the following: Transfers to what the measure describes as the "Budget Stabilization Fund. " (We assume this provision would be interpreted to allow transfer to the BSA established by Proposition  58.)

2009 Initiative Analysis: Financial Accountability in Redistricting Act

In addition to meeting the requirements of federal law, the commission is required to adopt district boundaries that adhere to a number of requirements to the extent possible, including: Maintaining entire cities, counties, neighborhoods, and "communities of interest " in single districts.

2011 Initiative Analysis:The California Clean Energy Jobs Act

General Fund Transfers to the Clean Energy Job Creation Fund. As previously discussed, the measure requires DOF and LAO to determine the amount of revenue to be transferred from the General Fund to the Clean Energy Job Creation Fund.

2011 Initiative Analysis:Fair Healthcare Pricing Act of 2012

A public hospital is operated by the state of California, a county, a city, the University of California, a local health district or authority, or any other political subdivision of the state. A private hospital is typically operated by a corporation (both for-profit and nonprofit).

2012 Initiative Analysis: Government Spending Limit Act of 2012

Similarly, we understand that most cities, counties, and special districts are below their spending limits. Legislative Vote Requirements for Increasing Taxes State Tax Increases. The Constitution describes what constitutes a tax.

2013 Initiative Analysis: Fair Wages and Training for Home Care Workers Act of 2014—Version 2

(We note that recent legislation provides for the future   transfer   of collective bargaining responsibilities from the county level to the state level in eight counties.) IHSS Is a Medicaid Benefit.

2013 Initiative Analysis: Death Penalty Reform and Savings Act of 2014

The measure allows the Supreme Court to transfer any of the direct appeals currently pending before it to the Courts of Appeal, as well as any pending habeas corpus petitions pending before it to the trial courts.

2013 Initiative Analysis: The Stop Corporate Exploitation of Charter Schools Act

The Political Reform Act requires board members and officers of local agencies to file annual statements of economic interest disclosing their sources of income, ownership of real property, investment interests, and other information.

2013 Initiative Analysis: Jobs and Education Development Initiative (JEDI) Act (Amendment #1-NS).

Assembly Bill X126 assigns SCO responsibility for recouping redevelopment assets inappropriately transferred during the first half of 2011. Specifically, SCO is directed to determine whether the RDA transferred an asset to the city or county that created it (or to another public agency).