Results for school year calendar 2024-25 Canada

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LAO 2005 Budget Analysis: Employment Development Department (7100)t

Based on recent economic improvements, this forecast projects a $340  million shortfall in the first quarter of 2005, and a calendar year-end positive balance of just over $130  million. For 2006, EDD anticipates a $600  million shortfall during the first quarter, and a year-end deficit of about $90  million.

LAO 2005 Budget Analysis: Military Department (8940)

If OMI chooses to expand in the budget year, it should do so with resources other than the Ge neral Fund. A denial of additional General Fund dollars for OMI does not preclude OUSD or the City of Oakland from using existing charter school funds or other sources (including l ocal funds and private donations) to expand the school.

LAO 2005 Budget Analysis: Tax Relief (9100)

Beginning with the current year, local gover nments are receiving additional property taxes—which previously went to K-12 education—to make up for the loss in VLF revenues. This revenue "swap " will require additional annual school spending from the General Fund.

LAO 2005 Budget Analysis: Health and Dental Benefits For Annuitants (9650)

Budget-Year Costs Not Yet Completely Determined We withhold recommendation on the $861  million General Fund request for annuitant benefits pending final determination of health insurance premium rates for calendar year 2006.

LAO 2005 Budget Analysis: Employee Compensation (9800/9955)

Item 9800 excludes the full-year cost of the deferred pay raises that went into effect after the beginning of the current year. In previous years, all new employee compensation costs (even for provisions already in effect for part of the current year) were first appropriated in this budget item.

LAO 2005 Budget Analysis: Retirement Contributions (Control Section 3.60)

Under current law, PERS is responsible for developing employer contribution rates each year based on actuarial analyses. The PERS has estimated that retirement costs would increase from the current-year level of $2.5  billion to $2.7  billion in the budget year.

LAO 2005 Budget Analysis: Procurement Reform (Control Section 33.50)

Given that the state to date has only signed one contract with an estimated savings of $3  million and less than five months remain in the current year, it is unlikely that the administration will reach its estimate of $48  million in General Fund savings this year.

[PDF] LAO 2005-06 Budget Analysis: Health and Social Services Chapter

Notably, on average public hospitals reported an operating margin of negative 25 percent in 2003 as compared to negative 19 percent in 2000. (A negative operating margin indicates an operating loss, which eligible hos- pitals often seek to offset using nonoperating revenue such as SB 1255 supplemental payments or DSH payments.)

Eighth Annual LAO Analysis Quiz

(B) CalTrans did not say, but indicates the seven surveyed districts alone have 881 structures with 109 more expected by the end of the year. (C) Exactly 1,629. (D) More than 10,000. 8.  Which situation does LAO describe in the 2005-06 Analysis as being a “vicious circle” that will continue absent a chance in state policy?

Eighth Annual LAO Budget Quiz: Answer #7

Eighth Annual LAO Budget Quiz: Answer #7 Eighth Annual LAO Budget Quiz Answer to Question #7: (B) CalTrans did not say, but indicates the seven surveyed districts alone have 881 structures with 109 more expected by the end of the year. ( See our write-up in the Analysis, page A-23 )