Results for irish state pension

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[PDF] The Transportation Innovation Act

The state has received $3.5 billion in federal funds dedicated to high-speed rail that require matching state funds. To the extent that the measure prevents Proposition 1A bond funds from being sold to satisfy this match requirement, the state would lose this infusion of federal funds.

2014 Initiative Analysis: The Transportation Innovation Act

The state has received $3.5  billion in federal funds dedicated to high-speed rail that require matching state funds. To the extent that the measure prevents Proposition  1A bond funds from being sold to satisfy this match requirement, the state would lose this infusion of federal funds.

LAO 2004 Budget Analysis: Quality Improvement Fees

Currently, the state Department of Mental Health (DMH) contracts with county entities, identified in state law as Medicaid managed care plans, to provide specialty mental health se rvices for certain groups of children and adults specified in state law.

2004 Initiative Analysis: California Home Rule Amendment

Because the measure expands the circumstances under which the state is required to reimburse local agencies, the measure may increase future state costs or alter future state actio ns regarding local or shared state-local programs.

[PDF] Related to the cultivation, use, possession, and sale of marijuana

State Legalization of Marijuana-Related Activities. Under the measure, individuals age 21 or over could legally possess, sell, transport, process, and cultivate marijuana under state law. The measure also states that state and local governments are prohibited from enforcing federal prohibitions on marijuana.

2005 Initiative Analysis: State Holidays

If this occurred, state offices would be closed. The measure would not affect the U niversity of California, the California State University, or local governments. Fiscal Effect State. If negotiated in contracts, the state would incur additional costs for a state holiday for public safety and 24-hour facility staff.

2005 Initiative Analysis: State Holidays

If this occurred, state offices would be closed. The measure would not affect the U niversity of California, the California State University, or local governments. Fiscal Effect State. If negotiated in contracts, the state would incur additional costs for a state holiday for public safety and 24-hour facility staff.

Analysis of the 1995-96 Budget Bill: State Administration Overview

In addition, the state (1) makes social s ecurity and Medicare contributions for most state employees and (2) contributes to the payment of premiums for health and dental benefit plans for retired state employees.

[PDF] Private legal actions that enforce state labor laws. (Version 3)

These penalties are assessed by state agencies, typically paid to the state, and intended to improve compliance with labor law by making violations costlier for employers. State Law Allows Employees to File Wage Claims With Labor Commissioner.

[PDF] Public Holidays

This is because some state employees (public safety and 24-hour facility staff) would need to work that day and could receive extra pay for working on a state holiday. Based on the state cost to add the most recent state holiday (Cesar Chavez holiday), additional state holiday pay expenses probably would cost less than $20 million.