Results for irish state pension

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[PDF] Special Education: Nonpublic School and Nonpublic Agency Study Final Report

What other states are doing to contain NPS costs 6. Changes to state law, regulations, practices, compliance provisions, etc. that could reduce the costs of NPSs/NPAs These questions are examined primarily through interviews conducted with directors of NPSs, NPAs, SELPAs, people knowledgeable of state policy in these areas (including members of our advisory panel), and directors of special education from other states.

[PDF] An LAO State Superfund Reauthorization: Expediting Hazardous Substance Site Cleanups

An LAO State Superfund Reauthorization: Expediting Hazardous Substance Site Cleanups Elizabeth G. Hill Legislative Analyst An LAO

What Will It Mean for California? The Tobacco Settlement

The 1999-00 Governor's Budget assumes the receipt of $562 million to the state's General Fund in 1999-00--the state's 1998 payment ($153 million) and 2000 payment ($409 million). Who Gets the Money ?

[PDF] A Special Session Guide T To

The state would, over time, transfer control over major decisions to school boards. A major state presence, however, would be needed to correct problems over which districts have little incentive or ability to resolve.

A Special Session Guide to K-12 Reform

State Roles. Like districts, the state's role also has support and oversight dimensions. First, the state should establish a state structure that ensures funding adequate to meet state goals, l ocal flexibility, and information and data for the school improvement process.

CalWORKs Community Service--What Does It Mean for California?

Because the federal matching r atio for this program is 2 to 1, California must expend $181.7 million in state matching funds by September 2001. The state match must be over and above the CalWORKs maintenance-of -effort (MOE) requirement.

[PDF] An LAO CalWORKs Community Service What Does It Mean for California?

State Should Employ “Best Practices” on Information Technology Projects (December 15, 1998) CAL Facts: California’s Economy and Budget in Perspective (December 18, 1998) Overhauling the State’s Infrastructure—Planning and Financing Process (December 21, 1998) A Special Session Guide to K-12 Reform (January 11, 1999) State Superfund Reauthorization: Expediting Hazardous Substance Site Cleanups (Updated January 12, 1999) Proposition 10: How Does It Work?

[PDF] A K-12 Master Plan

The state role would be minimal to ensure “portability”—the ability to keep past pension benefits when moving to a new school district—and guarantee that districts are adequately saving to pay for future pension benefits.

[PDF] An LAO Overview of the 1999-00 May Revision

In reviewing the proposal, the Legis- lature may wish to consider changes in at least two key areas: v State Control Versus Local Discretion. In both his K-12 educa- tion and local government funding proposals, the Governor relies on a centralized approach.

Substance Abuse Treatment in California: Services Are Cost-Effective to Society

These funds come from a variety of sources (see Figure 2), including the federal Substance Abuse Prevent ion and Treatment (SAPT) Block Grant, state and federally funded Medi-Cal program reimbursements, and the state General Fund.