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The 2014-15 Budget: Analysis of the Higher Education Budget

(One of these colleges, City College of San Francisco, is facing the possibility of losing its accreditation later this year.) Another CCC (Compton Community College) lost its accreditation in 2006 and has yet to earn it back.

The 2014-15 Budget: State Worker Salary, Health Benefit, and Pension Costs

Some of the proposed position changes reflect transferring positions from one department to another. (The Employment Development Department has developed a plan to increase its position authority by a few hundred positions more than was presented in the Governor ’s budget —and presented in Figure 5 —to address concerns about customer service at the department.

A Review of State Budgetary Practices for UC and CSU

(a) For purposes of this section, the following terms are defined as follows: (1) The “four –year graduation rate ” means the percentage of a cohort that entered the university as freshmen that successfully graduated within four years. (2) The “six –year graduation rate ” means the percentage of a cohort that entered the university as freshmen that successfully graduated within six years. (3) The

Analysis of Education Mandates

If the city or county chooses to levy a developer fee under these circumstances, state law requires the school district to report certain information to the city and county regarding the fee revenue it receives and its spending on facilities.

The 2015-16 Budget: Centralizing State IT Project Management

Some of the projects managed by OSI include the state ’s automated welfare system, a case management payroll system, an electronic benefits transfer project, and a child welfare services case management system.

Next Steps for Improving State Accountability for Alternative Schools

(These schools either had fewer than 11 students take the tests, or most of the students the schools tested had transferred midyear, so their scores counted towards the school from which they had transferred.)

[PDF] The 2023-24 Budget: Department of Justice Budget Proposals

As noted above, DOJ legal workload is supported from various fund sources—including the General Fund and various special funds that receive transfers from litigation proceeds deposited into the LDF. It is unclear the extent to which funds in the LDF are eligible for transfer to support DOJ workload.

Juvenile Crime--What Risk Factors Are Identified With Juvenile Crime?

California Cities Reporting Gang Activity Gang-related crime is often a violent crime problem. Nationwide, homicides and other violent crimes account for half of all recorded gang-related crimes. In California, gang-related homicide is not accounted for separately, but it is estimated that approximately 25 percent of California homicides are gang-related.

Juvenile Crime--Costs and Policy Implications

Also, some costs are "transferred " by manufacturers and retailers to consumers in order to cover their costs for crime prevention activities or losses from crime. What Is Considered a "Cost " of Crime?

Implementing the 2006 Bond Package: Increasing Effectiveness Through Legislative Oversight

In order to spur new local funding for transportation, we recommend that the Legislature adopt guidelines that would set aside a portion of SLP grants for cities and counties that establish new fees or tax measures for local transportation purposes.