Results for school year calendar 2024-25 Canada

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California School for Deaf-Riverside--Middle School Facilities. The amount of $5,572,000 is provided for construction of a new 21,346 square foot middle school, including new school buildings, a bus loop, drop-off area, and a 40-vehicle parkin g lot.

[PDF] Like the administration, we assumed a set number of enrollees

Like the administration, we assumed a set number of enrollees will be added to the Medi-Cal caseload each month in calendar year 2021 as a result of the COVID-19 public health emergency, and that caseload will begin to decline in substantial numbers after the assumed end of the public health emergency in December 2021.

[PDF] MOU Fiscal Analysis: Bargaining Unit 16 (Physicians, Dentists, and Podiatrists) and Bargaining Unit 19 (Health and Social Services/Professional)

The DPA estimates that these costs would be $33 million ($25 million General Fund). These costs are split evenly between the two units. (While Unit 19 has more members than Unit 16, the average pay of the state’s physicians and dentists—$126,504 per year, as of June 2005—is the highest of any of the state’s bargaining units and more than twice the average for Unit 9.

[PDF] 1964 Budget Analysis: Transmittal

For this reason additional information will be made available in this report, preceding the analysis of Item 88 (Education) upon fea- tures of the State's program of assistance to local school districts with particular reference to proposals which are expected to be considered at the special session.

Overview of the 2009-10 May Revision

For K –12 school districts, the administration proposes changing state law to provide school districts with the option of reducing instructional time the equivalent of up to 7.5 days a year for the next three years.

1998-99 Perspectives and Issues: Perspectives on State Revenues Part II

However, they picked up momentum in the summer months, increasing by nearly 7 percent from the prior year. Our forecast was prepared before taxable sales for the fourth quarter of calendar-year 1997 were known.

[PDF] The 2019-20 Budget: Transportation Proposals

Finally, we note that the proposals to suspend certain capital outlay projects increases the level of resources available in the MVA by $25 million and helps address the solvency of the fund in the budget year.

[PDF] 1956 Budget Analysis: Mental Hygiene

Written examinations, by necessity, are academic in approach and tend to eliminate applicants who have been away from medical school for a number of years. This is borne out by a study recently completed by the Personnel Board.

Supplemental Report of the Budget Act 1999-00 Fiscal Year

On or before March 1, 2000, the agency shall submit a report to the Chair of the Joint Legislative Budget Committee on the performance of the Permit Assistance Centers (PACs) duri ng calendar year 1999.

[PDF] 1984-85 Budget Analysis: Judicial

In response, the council has submitte a report that recommends permanently retaining the program on the basis that it reduces costs to litigants and assists courts in managing their calendars. The council, however, was unable to deter- mine whether the program actually reduced any court expenditures, or diverted any cases from going to trial.