Results for snohomish county lodging tax

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[PDF] Overview of Children's Dental Services in Medi-Cal and the Healthy Families Program

.  Only Two Counties Have DMC. Denti-Cal exists in all 58 counties in California, but only two counties, Sacramento and Los Angeles, have DMC.  Mandatory DMC in Sacramento County. In Sacramento, almost all children are mandatorily enrolled in a DMC plan.

[PDF] Recent History of the CalWORKs Program

The current MAP for a family of three living in a high-cost county is $638 per month.  Recipients May Remain Eligible Despite Having Earned Income. Once on CalWORKs, a family may remain eligible despite having additional earnings, as a portion of earned income (the fi rst $112 plus 50 percent of additional income) is not counted when determining a family’s cash grant.

[PDF] Proposition 98: Overview of Conference Issues

In 2013-14, 2014-15, and 2015-16 combined, LAO General Fund tax revenue is $3.2 billion above the administration. Over the same period, LAO property tax revenue is $241 million above the administration.  Minimum Guarantee Under Assembly Plan.

[PDF] Governor’s Automated Speed Enforcement Proposal

Consider increasing the share of ASE revenues that would be directed to local gov- ernments in order to ensure that cities and counties have a fi scal incentive—or at least no fi scal disincentive—to implement ASE systems.

[PDF] Implementation of Proposition 57

.  The January budget refl ects the administration’s estimates for how its initial plan would impact the state’s inmate, parolee, and juvenile ward populations; and the number of offenders supervised by county probation departments.

[PDF] Proposition 98 Mandates, Part III

Specific Requirements: State law establishes a district and county office budget process to encourage good fiscal practices. Costs of these mandates stem from the following requirements: Districts and county offices must certify their fiscal condition each year.

[PDF] Charter School Block Grant

. • Statute offers little guidance as to how county-administered programs should be treated. • Chapter 871, Statutes of 2004 (AB 825, Firebaugh), was silent as to how the six new block grants it established should be treated for charter school purposes.

[PDF] Special Session Overview of Proposition 98 Budget

Drops in property tax revenues going to schools results in higher General Fund costs for Proposition 98. Update on Property Tax Revenues for Schools Comparison of Property Tax Estimates (In Millions) 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 Governor’s proposala $15,023 $16,143 $16,107 LAO estimate 14,631 15,683 15,520 Difference -$392 -$460 -$587 a Does not update property tax estimates.

[PDF] Overview of the Governor's Proposition 98 May Revision Proposal

Overview of the Governor's Proposition 98 May Revision Proposal January; Budget May;; Revision Change K-12;Education General Fund $30,844 $32,022 $1,178 $32,023 $30,927 -$1,096 Local property tax revenue 13,237 12,105 -1,133 11,950 11,529 -422 Subtotals ($44,082) ($44,127) ($45) ($43,974) ($42,456) (-$1,518) California;Community;Colleges General Fund $3,722 $3,722 — $3,981 $3,991

[PDF] AB 3632 Mental Health Services

Possible sources include federal special education funding, Proposition 98 funding, local property taxes (including funds redirected from redevelopment projects), and/or Proposition 63 funds.  Convene Work Group to Address Transitional Issues.