Results for snohomish county lodging tax

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[PDF] Proposition 98: Overview of May Revision Proposals

Increase of $2.7 billion due to baseline improvements.  Tax Proposals. Net decrease of $375 million from Governor’s January General Fund tax proposal.  If Governor’s May General Fund tax package were rejected, minimum guarantee would decrease by $1.7 billion.  Rebenching.

[PDF] State Budget Update Presented to CA Charter Schools Conference

.  Assumes voters approve November 2012 tax measure.  Proposes $5.4 billion in trigger reductions if measure fails.

[PDF] Overview of California’s Child Care and Development System

If families choose providers that charge above the RMR, the families must pay the difference.  The maximum monthly RMR for full-day care for a four year-old child ranges from $710 in Kings County to $1,124 in Marin County.  Contracts  Care provided through General Child Care, Migrant and Handicapped child care, and State Preschool is reimbursed through contracts with CDE.

[PDF] School Accountability: Changes to State and Federal Systems

.  Evaluation Rubrics  Use as a self-assessment tool for districts and as a way for county offi ces of education to determine if certain districts need assistance.  Two levels of assistance: (1) support for districts not improving in some areas and (2) intervention for persistently low-achieving districts.  SBE must adopt evaluation rubrics by October 2016.  California

[PDF] California's Child Care and Preschool Programs

.  Equalize service levels across counties over the course of several years.  Replace the current reimbursement rate structure for vouchers with a simplifi ed, more market-driven model.  Establish regional monitoring systems to oversee certain components of local programs. 2016-17 Budget: Child Care Restructuring Proposal

[PDF] Education Mandates

Background on Education Mandates 2L E G I S L A T I V E A N A L Y S T ’ S O F F I C E March 8, 2018  Many LEAs Have No Outstanding Claims  68 percent of school districts, 31 percent of county offi ces of education, and 88 percent of community colleges have no unpaid claims.  Of those with remaining claims, the per-student claims vary dramatically.

[PDF] Overview of Proposition 98 Budget Proposals

Governor’s Estimates of the Proposition 98 Minimum Guarantee (In Millions) 2017-18 2018-19 Change From 2017-18 RevisedEnacted Revised Change Estimated Minimum Guarantee $74,523 $75,211 $687 $78,324 $3,114 Funding sources: General Fund $52,631 $52,741 $109 $54,564 $1,823 Local property tax 21,892 22,470 578 23,761 1,291 2L E G I S L A T I V E A N A L Y S T ’ S O F F I C E February

[PDF] LAO Parole Realignment Proposal: Additional Options

Figure 3 Parole Realignment Alternatives: Two Examples of County Costs and State Savings LAO Original

[PDF] Non-Education Mandates and the 2012-13 State Budget

The state owes cities, counties, and special districts:  $720 million for claims submitted before 2004. The state established a 15-year payment plan for these claims, but has not made a payment for several years.  $621 million for claims submitted in or after 2004.  $174 million for accrued interest on unpaid claims.  No Funds for Employee Relations Mandates.

The Health Care Safety Net

A portion o f SLIAG funds was allocated to counties for indigent health services from 1988-89 through 1994-95. Proposition 99. The Tobacco Tax and Health Protection Act of 1988 (Proposition 99) allocates a portion of tobacco tax revenues for county health services.