Results for irish state pension

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Californians and the Marriage Penalty

In 15 states, neither marriage penalties nor bonuses are at issue. This is because six states levy flat-rate income taxes (thus, single and married taxpayers pay the same rate) and eight states have no income tax at all.

California Spending Plan 1999-00 Chapter 2

The adopted measures include a reduction in the vehicle license fee (VLF) (in addition to those approved last year), an increase in the deduction of health insu rance premiums for self-employed individuals, and three tax-relief provisions targeted to business activity in the state.

[PDF] June 15, 1999 1999-00 Budget Bill Conference Committee Version

In-Home Supportive Services Public Authorities • Provides no state share of wage increases negotiated by Public Authorities, pursuant to current law which provides that counties pay costs. • Augmented by $90 million for a state share of wage increases for Public Authori- ties. • $90 million cost.

State Corporate Taxation of Sales to the Federal Government

This is because the sales would be attributed to the other state. Between these two extremes are multistate companies which have sales to the U.S. government flowing in both directionsboth from California to other states, and from other states in to California.

[PDF] January 1999 State Corporate Taxation of Sales to the Federal Government

This is be- cause the sales would be attributed to the other state. • Between these two extremes are multistate companies which have sales to the U.S. government flowing in both directions—both from California to other states, and from other states into California.


. • If the courts ultimately rule against the state, the TRPA could experience signifi- cant increased costs to provide compensation. • If the courts rule in favor of the state, case law would strengthen TRPA’s ability to impose temporary moratoria and other regulatory actions without effecting a taking.

January 1999 California Update

Withdraw its request for a State Personnel Board review of the 24 construction inspection contracts that are being transferred to state civil service. Implications of Settlement The settlement will affect Caltrans' ability to deliver highway capital outlay improvements, including the seismic retrofit program, in the following ways.


In exchange, PECG agreed to: • Not challenge any actions taken by the agency with respect to completing the existing private contracts. • Not seek an award of attorney fees in its prior case against Caltrans. • Withdraw its request for a State Person- nel Board review of the 24 construction inspection contracts that are being trans- ferred to state civil service.

California Update, July 1999

California Update, July 1999 Legislative Analyst's Office, July 1999 State Recovering From Tuberculosis Epidemic California is in its sixth consecutive year of recovery from a 1986 to 1992 resurgence of tuberculosis (TB) that boosted the state's number of TB cases by 56 percent (see Figure 1) .


In re- sponse to the TB resurgence, the state funded an increase in the number of case managers. measures that focus on increasing the number of clients who complete their drug therapy. California’s efforts appear to have had some success.