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[PDF] California's Tax Expenditure Programs: Property Taxes

Certain types of properties are assessed by the state, since they typically involve activ- ities which cross county boundaries and have value only in combination with their related properties. These properties assessed by the state include utility and railroad property, pipelines, flumes, canals, ditches, and aqueducts.

California Tax Expenditure Proposals: Property Tax Introduction

Certain types of properties are assessed by the state , since they typically involve activities which cross county boundaries and have value only in combination with their related properties. These properties assessed by the state inc lude utility and railroad property, pipelines, flumes, canals, ditches, and aqueducts.

[PDF] California's Tax Expenditure Programs: Sales Taxes

Source: Board of Equalization • State Tax Rate. The current state sales and use tax rate is 6 percent. As Fig- ure 1 shows, 5 percent of the state sales and use tax rate is dedicated to the General Fund.

California Tax Expenditures Programs: Sales and Use Taxes Part 1

Rationale The basic exemption for gas, electricity, and water dates back to the inception of the sales tax in 1933, when companies providing these services were subject to a gross receipts t ax that was levied in lieu of other taxes under the State Constitution.

California Tax Expenditures Programs: Sales and Use Taxes Part 5

California Tax Expenditures Programs: Sales and Use Taxes Part 5 NA Description This program exempts from taxation the sale or use of replacement exhibits for a qualified museum, or for a public art display of the state or a local government.

[PDF] An LAO Special Education Facilities Funding Report

This report addresses the different classroom needs and recommends a streamlined process for state funding consistent with the new funding program established by Chapter 407. New State Program for Funding K-12 Construction Chapter 407 established a new state program for assisting in the funding of K-12 school facilities.

HOV Lanes in California: Are They Achieving Their Goals?

Due to state and federal air quality regulations, the state is severely limited in its ability to add capacity to the state highway system. This is because adding capacity to the state highway system is likely to result in additional VMT, thereby adding to vehicular emissions which in turn might put a region out of compliance with air quality regulations.

[PDF] LAO HOV Lanes in California: Are They Achieving Their Goals?

This state- wide average obscures even worse con- gestion in parts of the state such as Los Angeles and Orange County where between 60 percent to 84 percent of freeway lane miles are congested. A number of factors contribute to worsening congestion.

Overview of the 2000-01 Governor's Budget

Overview of the 2000-01 Governor's Budget Legislative Analyst's Office January 14, 2000 Overview of the 2000-01 Governor's Budget Introduction On January 10, 2000, the Governor released his proposed $85 billion 2000-01 state budget.

[PDF] LAO Report Child Support Enforcement: Implementing the Legislative Reforms of 1999

The state will also determine how funds will be allocated among the local agencies. Specifically, under the new legislation, the state will continue to allocate the federal and state incentive pay- ments to the local agencies, but the department is revising the method of distributing these funds.