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In conjunction with this movement or as a complete alternative, an analysis should be made to determine the possibility of transferring members to private rest homes where charges range from $60 to $110 per month as compared to a present per capita cost to the State of better than $187 per month.

[PDF] 1961 Budget Analysis: Mental Hygiene

These allocations are discussed as sepa- rate budget proposals: Group 2 Community services, including state clinics and state-local community services ~edical research Family care Out-of-state deportation and institution transfers Transportation of patients and other persons committed to state hospitals Bureau of Patients' Accounts One of the major sections, of those listed in Group 1 above, is the Bureau of Patients' Accounts.

1996-97 Budget Analysis: Resources, Part III

In addition, the US-EPA could transfer the regulatory lead for Casmalia back to the state, at a substantial future cost to the state. Are There Other Stringfellows? The department indicates that it is not aware of any contaminated sites other than Stringfellow or Casmalia that could result in the state being found liable as a "responsible party " for cleanup costs.

[PDF] Funding for students attending private schools and homeschool.

Each participation agreement would renew automatically until the student graduated or transferred to a different school. Students Would Retain Any Unused Funds in Their Account. In some cases, a student would select a private school where tuition and other costs were less than the amount provided by the state.

[PDF] Funding for students attending private schools.

Each participation agreement would renew automatically until the student graduated or transferred to a different school. Hon. Rob Bonta 7 October 13, 2021 Students Would Retain Unused Funds in Their Accounts.

[PDF] We recommend the following language: The Department of Alcohol

We recommend the following language: The Department of Alcohol and Drug Programs (DADP) shall use the $5.5 million transferred from the Department of Corrections' budget to select a limited number of counties to provide drug treatment services to parolees.

[PDF] The Budget Act and Related Legislation California Spending Plan 2002-03

The budget plan further assumes an additional $66 million in General Fund savings due to increased rebates Figure 10 Major General Fund Reductions in State Health Programs (In Millions) General Fund Savings Medi-Cal Assumed federal relief to offset cost-sharing ratio increase $400 Assumed additional savings from antifraud activities 245 Changes in the purchase of drugs and medical supplies 189

[PDF] The 2019-20 Budget: Using Proposition 56 Funding in Medi-Cal To Improve Access to Quality Care

In this case, risk is transferred from the state to managed care plans, as plans are required to deliver services even if, in a given year, the costs exceed the funding provided. . . . As Well as Drawbacks.

[PDF] 1951 Budget Analysis: Department of Natural Resources

The other is a Board of Control ruling which has transferred certain items in housing' supplies and services, miscellaneous small tools, and operating supplies and expenses from the equipm~nt category to the operating expense category.

[PDF] 1973 Budget Analysis: Transportation

In· addition it is an- ticipated that some of the planning functions of the department will be transferred to a new Division of Transportation Planning within the new department. While amendments to this item may occur during the budget process, the balance of the budg~ted programs currently within the de- partment are expected to be maintained.