Results for snohomish county lodging tax

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[PDF] Analysis of the 1987-88 Tax Expenditure Budget

For example, as summarized in Table 9, the net first full-year effect of tax policy changes has been to increase the budget by $64 million in 1981, only $23 million in 1982 and $30 million in 1984, and to actually reduce the budget by $159 million in 1983 and $106 million in Part One: Overview Identifiable State Revenue Losses from Sales and Use Tax Expenditure

[PDF] Background Information on the Health Care "Safety Net"

The Tobacco Tax and Health Protection Act of 1988 (Proposi- tion 99) allocates a portion of tobacco tax revenues for county health services. In 1989, the Legislature established the California Healthcare for Indigents Program (CHIP) and the Rural Health Services (RHS) Program, which allocate Proposition 99 funds to expand county indigent health services.

[PDF] Update California - Trends in K-12 Education Funding

Increases in the largest fund- ing sources-state funds and local property tax levies-account for $9.2 billion of the $11.7 billion increase. There are significant differences in the percentage increase for K-12 Education Funding By Funding Source and Per ADA Current and Constant Dollars 1986-87 Through 1995-96 state funds (29 percent) and for local property tax

[PDF] Highlights of the Analysis and P & I

Page 3 Page 4 > Personal Income Tax Structure Slightly More Progressive • When the tax reduction is fully phased-in, all taxpayers will have lower average tax rates (Perspectives and Issues, page 120). • However, the percentage reduction in tax rates will be greater for lower-income than for higher-income taxpayers. > Governor's

[PDF] Status Check: The "Three Strikes and You're Out" Law - A Preliminary Assessment

As we indicated earlier, persons in county jail awaiting trial under "Three Strikes" are considered high security inmates, thus requiring closer super- vision and restricted housing ar- rangements. In a survey of 15 counties conducted by the Board of Corrections, six counties indi- cated that they have modified their inmate security systems to

[PDF] Update California: California's 1994 Crime Rate

Update California: California's 1994 Crime Rate Burglary Rape Among the ten largest counties, sheriffs' departments generally reported slight in- creases in the rates from 1993 to 1994. Sacramento County had the largest increase at nearly 7 percent, while Orange County had the biggest decrease at 14 percent.

[PDF] Analysis of Newly Identified Mandates

Lastly, Chapter 90 requires counties to offer IHSS recipients the option of hiring an individual provider in addition to the counties’ estab- lished mode of service delivery. Counties can decide to deliver IHSS through an indi- vidual provider, agency, or county worker mode.

[PDF] Supplemental Report of the 2010-11 Budget Package

Included in reporting related to items (b), (c), (d), and (e) should be specific data—directly comparable to that included in the applicable budget change proposal (BCP)—for new and expanded activities approved for 2010‑11 concerning sales and use tax collection program enhancement, alcoholic beverage tax audit programs, participation in the High Intensity

[PDF] The 2012-13 Budget: California's Fiscal Outlook

Our forecast estimates that state education savings in the current year will be about $1.4 billion, about $300 million less than the amount assumed in the budget because: • As permitted by law, DOF reduced the remit- tance payment obligations for certain local governments that experienced increases in their redevelopment debt obligations. • Some cities and counties are expected

[PDF] Statement of Economic Interests Electronic Filing Pilot Program

Costs Too High for Two Small Counties. The Counties of Merced and Stanislaus were not able to participate fully in the pilot program citing insuffi cient funds and resources to cover implementation costs.