Results for 서울시 tax

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[PDF] 21st Century Ballot Reform Act

Brown Jr. 2 February 24, 2010 proposed ballot measure creates or increases a fee or tax, repeals existing laws in any sub- stantial manner, or is linked to any other measure or statute, among other requirements.

[PDF] Alcoholic Beverages Initiative

This measure would increase excise taxes on beer, wine, and distilled spirits sold in California. Excise and Sales Taxes. An excise tax is a fixed amount levied on a per unit basis. Current state law imposes an excise tax on alcoholic beverages.

[PDF] The Thomas Lomax Taxpayers Protection Act

Current Tax Treatment. Current PIT law allows deductions from income for certain items including local taxes, mortgage interest, charitable donations, and extraordinary medical expenses, but not for general living expenses.

[PDF] Article V Convention Initiative

This, in turn, could result in higher or lower federal and state taxes and other revenues. It could also result in more or less federal and state spending on particular public programs. These impacts are impossible to estimate.

[PDF] Civil Marriage Act of California (Amendment #1-S)

Harris 2 August 12, 2011 local governments (primarily sales tax revenues). Over the longer run, however, this measure would likely have little fiscal impact on state and local governments. Fiscal Summary.

[PDF] Tax Public Pensions Above $100,000 per Year Act

Unlike many other income taxes in existing law, the taxes established under this measure would not be indexed to inflation. In other words, the $100,000 constitutional threshold to begin paying the proposed tax would never be adjusted upward for inflation.

[PDF] The Regulate Marijuana Like Wine Act of 2012

Harris 3 October 10, 2011 example, companies that grew and sold marijuana would likely have to pay taxes on their business profits, and sales of marijuana would probably be subject to state and local sales and use taxes.

[PDF] Civil Marriage

Particularly in the near term, this spending could increase revenues to state and local governments (primarily through sales tax revenues). Over the longer run, however, this measure would likely have little fiscal impact on state and local governments.

[PDF] The Local Taxpayers, Public Safety and Local Services Protection Act of 2012 (Amendment #1NS)

As noted earlier, absent a ballot measure raising additional revenues for schools, current statute requires that the realignment sales tax revenues be included in the calculation of the minimum guarantee.

[PDF] Government Employee Pension Reform Act of 2012 V2 (Amndt. #1S)

In some cases, provisions of the federal Internal Revenue Code—which governs the tax status of public pension plans—may limit the flexibility of pension systems to implement certain provisions of this measure.