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The amount of $50,000 is provided for a study of the program requirements to relocate the Sutro Library to a joint use facility at San Francisco State University. The Sutro Librar y would require 30,000 square feet of space.

[PDF] Updated 2001 General Fund Revenue Projections

Dave Cox Assembly Minority Floor Leader Room 3104, State Capitol Sacramento, California 95814 Dear Assembly Member Cox: We were asked by a Member to develop updated information on the General Fund’s projected condition.

"E-Government" in California, Providing Services to Citizens Through the Internet

The Utah Legislature has mandated that every state agency have some form of e-government service available by 2002 and the Maryl and Legislature has mandated that 80 percent of its state services be on-line by 2004.

[PDF] An LAO Report “E-Government” in California Providing Services to Citizens Through the Internet

Figure 1 displays some of the services most frequently available through e-government in various states throughout the nation.

[PDF] May 24, 2001 The 2001-02 Senate Budget Bill SB 75 (Peace) As Adopted by the Budget and Fiscal Review Committee

To provide cash flow for transporta- tion projects, loans of $560 million would be made from the Motor Vehicle Account, Public Transportation Account (PTA), and State Highway Account to be repaid beginning in 2006-07.

[PDF] May 25, 2001 The 2001-02 Assembly Budget Bill AB 95 (Cardenas) As Adopted by the Budget Committee

To provide cash flow for transportation projects, total loans of $560 million would be made from the Motor Vehicle Account, Public Transportation Account (PTA), and State Highway Account to be repaid beginning in 2006-07.

[PDF] 2001-02 Budget Conference Committee

While part of this shortfall could be covered by the projected carry-in reserve from 2001-02, substantial additional cuts would be required to balance the 2002-03 budget. " Federal actions phasing out California's estate tax rev- enues will exacerbate the state's budget shortfalls in the out years.

[PDF] 2001-02 Budget Bill Conference Committee Version

Specifically, the Conference Committee increased state staff by 315 personnel- years and reduced contracting out by a like amount. þ The Conference Committee reduced to $1 million the amount for racial profiling data collection grants.

Improving CalWORKs Program Effectiveness: Changing the Employment Services Budget Process

Although grant levels are set by the state and the program is funded almost entirely with state and federal funds, counties control the delivery of welfare-to-work services. The CalWORKs Budget System, 1997-2000 The CalWORKs program is financed by a combination of federal Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) block grant funds, the state General Fund, and county funds.


Termination of state of emergency; proclamation. States that a state of emergency can be terminated either by the Governor or by concurrent resolution of the Legislature declaring the emergency at an end.