Results for 서울시 tax

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[PDF] The Nuclear Waste Act of 2012

Tax revenues received by governments are affected by business profits, personal income, and taxable sales—all of which in turn are affected by what individuals and businesses pay for electricity. Increases in electricity rates due to the measure would also directly increase state and local government costs since they are large consumers of electricity.

[PDF] College and University Funding and Accountability Act

An additional tax of 2.5 cents per gallon of motor vehicle fuel.  Diesel Excise Tax. An additional tax of 2.5 cents per gallon of diesel fuel.  Cigarette and Tobacco Products Excise Tax. An additional tax of 1.25 cents per cigarette, or 25 cents per pack of 20.

[PDF] The California Nuclear Waste Act

Tax revenues received by governments are affected by business profits, personal income, and taxable sales—all of which in turn are affected by what individuals and businesses pay for electricity. Increases in electricity rates due to the measure would also directly increase state and local government costs since they are large consumers of electricity.

[PDF] Medi-Cal Funding and Accountability Act of 2014

Federal Medicaid law permits states to (1) levy various types of charges—including taxes, fees, or assessments—on health care providers and (2) use the proceeds to draw down federal matching funds to support their Medicaid Programs and/or offset some state costs.

[PDF] The Troy and Alana Pack Patient Safety Act of 2014-Version 2

Lower “take home” pay to workers could contribute to lower taxable retail sales, thereby reducing state and local sales tax revenues. Higher health insurance costs may reduce profits of businesses somewhat, thereby reducing state income tax revenues.

[PDF] Stop Child Molesters, Sexual Abusers and Drug Dealers From Working in California Schools Act

A district may request that the Franchise Tax Board (FTB) assist the district in recovering the wages. The FTB can seek reimbursement from the district for its expenses in collecting wages from a dismissed employee.  Employees dismissed for egregious misconduct would not be able to earn credit in a state retirement system beginning 30 days after receiving a termination notice until their dismissal.

[PDF] Car Buyers Protection Act Version 2

Taxes Associated With Vehicle Sales. The sale of vehicles directly or indirectly affects state and local tax revenues. In particular, the sales tax and vehicle license fee are collected on the sale price or market value of vehicles.

[PDF] Car Buyers Protection Act Version 4

Taxes Associated With Vehicle Sales. The sale of vehicles directly or indirectly affects state and local tax revenues. In particular, the sales tax and vehicle license fee are collected on the sale price or market value of vehicles.

[PDF] Seniors Home Care Cost Accountability Act of 2014

This is because the organization that went out of business would no longer be paying corporate taxes and some of the home care aides of the former business may no longer be working or paying income taxes.

[PDF] Fair Healthcare Pricing Act of 2014

Hospital Quality Assurance Fee Federal Medicaid law permits states to (1) levy various taxes, fees, or assessments on health care providers and (2) use the proceeds to draw down FFP to support their Medicaid programs and/or offset some state costs.