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[PDF] California’s Cash Flow Crisis: May 2009 Update

The State Treasurer’s office works with financial firms to issue RANs almost every year. The state has sold $5.5 billion of RANs to investors dur- ing 2008-09. RAWs. The state has issued RAWs for cash flow relief occasionally since these securities were created during the severe state budget crisis of the early 1930s.

[PDF] Raising the personal income taxes for certain households to fund zero-emission vehicle programs and wildfire-related activities.

BACKGROUND State ZEV Programs. The state has several goals related to reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and local air pollution, including state law that requires statewide GHGs are 40 percent below 1990 levels by 2030.

[PDF] 1962 Budget Analysis: General Administration

The support for the State Employees' Retirement System now comes from tWQ sources: 1. State Employees' Retirement Fund, $1,594,097 (87.5%). 2.' State Employees' Contingency Reserve Fund, $228,198 (12.5%).

2009 Initiative Analysis: The Call for a Citizens' Limited Constitutional Convention

One-time state expenses would not exceed $95  million, as stated in the measure. Possible Effects if Voters Approve Convention's Recommendations. The outcome of the convention, if approved by the voters, could change the structure of state and local governments substantially.

[PDF] Initiative Letter

The chief executive of state or regional government in every state, commonwealth, and territory of the United States of America is referred to as Governor. In California, the Governor has many powers and responsibilities, including: signing into law or vetoing legislation passed by the Legislature, preparing and submitting to the Legislature

What Is a Mandate? - What Is a Mandate: An Overview [Video]

January 16, 2007 When the state mandates that a local government provide a new program or higher level of service, the California constitution often —but not always —requires the state to reimburse the local government.

2004-05 Budget Perspectives and Issues: "Remodeling" the Drug Medi-Cal Program

Some of the problems result from federal rules that are beyond the state's control. However, there are a number of other changes in the design of the program that the state does have the authority to make.

2007 Initiative Analysis: The National Popular Vote for President Act—Version 1

The national popular vote winner would receive all of the electoral votes of participating states. (If there is a tie regarding the national popular vote winner, then the state would certify the presidential electoral slate that received the plurality of votes in the state.)

2009 Initiative Analysis: Domestic Partnership Initiative

For example, domestic partners register with the Secretary of State (SOS) instead of obtaining a license from a county. Proposal This measure states its intention that state law be changed to replace the term “marriage” with “domestic partnership.”

The 2016-17 Budget: Precision Medicine Research Funding [Publication Details]

Mar 18, 2016 - Precision medicine is a developing approach in the health sector that takes into account an individual’s genes, environment, and lifestyle for disease diagnosis, treatment, and prevention. The 2016-17 Governor’s Budget proposes to make a one-time appropriation of $10 million from the state General Fund to OPR to fund precision medicine research.