Results for irish state pension

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[PDF] 1963 Budget Analysis: Index

Chico State College _______ -----.-:..:_--'-...:.::,,~:.,:'-'--''--,,---'"-.,.-.:---270,842, 921 Fresno State College ______ ----------------_.:...:-'-'-----'-...:---~272, 842, 923 · Humboldt State College _________________ -----_--------:_---'-273, 843,924 : Long Beach State College ___________________________ ~.:...:_-: __ ;274, 843. 925 . ".

[PDF] 1954 Budget Analysis: INDEX

Los Guilucos _______________ -, __________________________________ -'-__ 156, 5:i2 Ventura _____________________________ ~ ______ ~ ______ _' _________________ 161 Governor ___________________ ~ _________ ..: _______ ..:________________________ 8 Civil Defense, Office oL _____ · ______________ ..:___________________________ 9 Residence _______________________________ ~ ________ ~ ______

2005 Initiative Analysis: The Safe and Affordable Prescription Drug Act

A significant share of these costs would probably be borne by the state General Fund. A largely one-time state cost, potentially in the low tens of millions of dollars, to cover the funding gap between the time when drug rebates are collected by the state and wh en the state pays funds to pharmacies for drug discounts provided to consumers.

[PDF] The Safe and Affordable Prescription Drug Act

A significant share of these costs would probably be borne by the state General Fund. A largely one-time state cost, potentially in the low tens of millions of dollars, to cover the funding gap between the time when drug rebates are collected by the state and when the state pays funds to pharmacies for drug discounts provided to consumers.

2005 Initiative Analysis: Cheaper Prescription Drugs for California Act

A significant share of these costs would probably be borne by the state General Fund. A largely one-time state cost, potentially in the low tens of millions of dollars, to cover the funding gap between the time when drug rebates are collected by the state and wh en the state pays funds to pharmacies for drug discounts provided to consumers.

[PDF] Cultivation, use, possession, and sale of marijuana

State Legalization of Marijuana-Related Activities. Under the measure, individuals age 21 or over could legally possess, sell, transport, process, and cultivate marijuana under state law. The measure also states that state and local governments are prohibited from enforcing federal prohibitions on marijuana.

[PDF] Cheaper Prescription Drugs for California Act

A significant share of these costs would probably be borne by the state General Fund. A largely one-time state cost, potentially in the low tens of millions of dollars, to cover the funding gap between the time when drug rebates are collected by the state and when the state pays funds to pharmacies for drug discounts provided to consumers.

[PDF] Analyzing Recent Changes to State Support for Fiscally Distressed Districts

The Kern COE manages FCMAT through a state contract. Emergency State Loans and Takeovers Districts in Exceptional Distress May Request an Emergency State Loan. In rare cases, districts lack the cash necessary to pay their bills.

[PDF] The Feasibility of Replacing the Homeowners' Exemption With an Income Tax Credit

In the case of the state government, the subvention payments to local governments are exempt from the state's appropriations limit, while the majority of the state's cost for the homeowners' credit would be accounted for as a revenue loss.

2005 Initiative Analysis: The No Urban Casino Act (version 3)

Fiscal Effect Indian gambling can result in a variety of fiscal impacts on the state and local governments. For instance: The state has negotiated for specific annual payments by tribes to the state and local governments.