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Cal Facts 2002: Economy

Our nation's next largest state economy —New York —is about 60  percent the size of California's. California's Economy Is Highly Diversified Share of Gross State Product in 2001 California has a large number of jobs and businesses in many different industries.


Areas of special concern are scattered throughout the state, with concentrations in the populated areas around the coastal and interior ranges of Southern California, the hillsides surrounding the San Francisco Bay, and the foothills of the Sierra Nevada. !


STATE BUDGET 37 State Operations Is Concentrated in Four Areas General Fund—2002-03 ! Of the total $76.7 billion 2002-03 General Fund budget, state operations comprise only one-fifth ($16.9 billion).

Cal Facts 2002: Capital Outlay

Per capita spending has increased steadily since the early 1980s, but the $132 per capita the state plans to spend for capital outlay in 2002-03 is less than half the level (adju sted for inflation) the state spent in 1966-67.

Better Protection of Fish and Wildlife: Improving Fish and Game's CEQA Review

Under CEQA, DFG is the trustee agency for fish and wildlife, as well as for designated rare and endangered native plants of the state. The public trustee role of the department is important for two reasons.

Supplemental Analysis of The 2002-03 Governor's Budget for Child Care

Under current law, children age 13 or below from families with incomes below 75  percent of the state median income are eligible for state subsidized child care. The Governor’s budget proposes to eliminate child care services for 13-year olds, for annual savings of $5.5  million.

[PDF] Supplemental Analysis of The 2002-03 Governor’s Budget for Child Care

Under current law, children age 13 or below from families with incomes below 75 percent of the state median income are eligible for state subsidized child care. The Governor’s budget proposes to eliminate child care services for 13-year olds, for annual savings of $5.5 million.

[PDF] Fiscal Effect on California: Congressional Welfare Reform Reauthorization Proposals

State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) benefits for legal immigrants • Prohibits states from using federal SCHIP funds for legal immigrants who have lived in the United States for less than five years.

[PDF] California's Fiscal Outlook: LAO Projections 2002-03 Through 2007-08

Jenny Giambattista State Administration Director ........................................... Michael Cohen Information technology ............................. Anna Brannen Business issues/state employment ..................

Senate Floor Packet

Adopts May Revision proposal to provide an additional $24.9  million for enrollment growth, which provides 4.3  percent growth at the University of California (UC) and 4.8  percent growth at the California State University (CSU).